Genesis Songtexte
Carpet Crawlers
Follow You Follow Me
Land of Confusion 12″
No Son of Mine
Gründung 1967, Auflösung am 26. März 2022
Genesis ist eine britische Rockband, die 1967 gegründet wurde und sich im Laufe der Jahrzehnte zu einer der einflussreichsten Bands des Progressive Rock entwickelte. Die Band, bestehend aus Tony Banks, Mike Rutherford und Phil Collins, hatte ihren großen Durchbruch in den 1970er Jahren und erlangte weltweite Anerkennung mit Hits wie „Invisible Touch“ und „I Can’t Dance“.
Genesis ist bekannt für ihre komplexen musikalischen Strukturen und ihren innovativen Ansatz im Rock, was ihnen eine treue Fangemeinde und zahlreiche Auszeichnungen einbrachte. Die Band hat sich im Laufe der Jahre mehrfach verändert, sowohl musikalisch als auch personell, was zu unterschiedlichen Phasen ihrer Karriere führte.
Nach der Trennung von Peter Gabriel und Steve Hackett in den 1970er Jahren entwickelte sich Genesis weiter und erreichte große Erfolge mit ihrem kommerziellen Pop-Rock-Stil in den 1980er Jahren. Die Band bleibt ein bedeutender Name in der Rockmusik und hat zahlreiche Alben veröffentlicht, die in den Charts erfolgreich waren.
Genesis ist bekannt für ihre beeindruckenden Live-Shows und ihren Beitrag zur Entwicklung des Progressive Rock und bleibt eine wichtige Größe in der Musikgeschichte.
Wusstest du, dass...
- ... Genesis ihren Namen von einem Kinderbuch entliehen haben, das sie in ihren frühen Jahren lasen?
- ... Die Bandmitglieder in den 1980er Jahren oft auf großen, aufwändigen Bühnenbildern auftraten, die bis zu 30 Meter hoch waren?
- ... Phil Collins für seine Live-Auftritte oft ein ganzes Orchester dabei hatte, um den Sound von Genesis zu verstärken?
- ... Genesis einmal eine Konzertreihe in der Antarktis geplant hatten, die jedoch aufgrund logistischer Herausforderungen abgesagt wurde?
- ... Die Band für ihr Album „The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway“ eine komplette Bühnenproduktion mit Kostümen und Theaterstücken inszenierte?
Tony Banks
Mick Barnard
Phil Collins
Peter Gabriel
Steve Hackett
John Mayhew
Anthony Phillips
Mike Rutherford
Jonathan Silver
Chris Stewart
Ray Wilson
1970–1975 (Compilation)
Nursery Cryme
The Musical Box
For Absent Friends
The Return of the Giant Hogweed
- Seven Stones
Harold the Barrel
The Fountain of Salmacis
- Watcher of the Skies
- Time Table
Get ’Em Out by Friday
- Can‐Utility and the Coastliners
- Horizons
- Supper’s Ready
Selling England by the Pound
Dancing With the Moonlit Knight
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Firth of Fifth
More Fool Me
- The Battle of Epping Forest
- After the Ordeal
The Cinema Show
- Aisle of Plenty
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
- Fly on a Windshield
- Broadway Melody of 1974
- Cuckoo Cocoon
- In the Cage
- The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
- Back in N.Y.C.
- Hairless Heart
- Counting Out Time
- The Carpet Crawlers
- The Chamber of 32 Doors
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
- Lilywhite Lilith
- The Waiting Room
- Anyway
- Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist
- The Lamia
- Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats
- The Colony of Slippermen: Arrival / A Visit to the Doktor / Raven
- Ravine
- The Light Dies Down on Broadway
- Riding the Scree
- In the Rapids
- it.
Extra Tracks
- Happy the Man
- Twilight Alehouse
- Going Out to Get You
- Shepherd
- Pacidy
- Let Us Now Make Love
- Provocation
- Frustration
- Manipulation
- Resignation
Trespass (5.1 Mix)
- Looking for Someone (5.1 mix)
White Mountain (5.1 mix)
- Visions of Angels (5.1 mix)
- Stagnation (5.1 mix)
- Dusk (5.1 mix)
The Knife (5.1 mix)
Nursery Cryme (5.1 Mix)
The Musical Box (5.1 mix)
For Absent Friends (5.1 mix)
The Return of the Giant Hogweed (5.1 mix)
- Seven Stones (5.1 mix)
Harold the Barrel (5.1 mix)
Harlequin (5.1 mix)
The Fountain of Salmacis (5.1 mix)
Foxtrot (5.1 mix) / Rock of the 70’s 1972 / Piper Club 1972
- Watcher of the Skies (5.1 mix)
- Time Table (5.1 mix)
Get ’Em Out by Friday (5.1 mix)
- Can‐Utility and the Coastliners (5.1 mix)
- Horizons (5.1 mix)
- Supper’s Ready (5.1 mix)
- Fountain of Salmacis, Part 1 (Rock of the 70’s 1972)
- Fountain of Salmacis, Part 2 (Rock of the 70’s 1972)
- Twilight (Rock of the 70’s 1972)
The Musical Box (Rock of the 70’s 1972)
- Return of the Giant Hogweed (Rock of the 70’s 1972)
- Interviews / Stagnation (excerpt) (Piper Club 1972)
Selling England by the Pound (5.1 mix) / Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973 / Bataclan, France 1973
Dancing With the Moonlit Knight (5.1 mix)
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) (5.1 mix)
Firth of Fifth (5.1 mix)
More Fool Me (5.1 mix)
- The Battle of Epping Forest (5.1 mix)
- After the Ordeal (5.1 mix)
The Cinema Show (5.1 mix)
- Aisle of Plenty (5.1 mix)
- Watcher of the Skies (Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973)
Dancing With the Moonlit Knight (Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973)
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) (Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973)
The Musical Box (Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973)
- Supper’s Ready: Lover’s Leap / The Guaranteed Eternal Sanctuary Man / Ikhnaton and Itsacon and Their Band of Merry Men / How Dare I Be So Beautiful? (Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973)
- Supper’s Ready: Willow Farm (Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973)
- Supper’s Ready: Apocalypse in 9/8 (Co‐Starring the Delicious Talents of Gabble Ratchet) / As Sure as Eggs Is Eggs (Aching Men’s Feet) (Shepperton Studios, Italian TV 1973)
The Musical Box (Bataclan, France 1973)
- [interview 1] (Bataclan, France 1973)
- Supper’s Ready (edit) (Bataclan, France 1973)
- [interview 2] (Bataclan, France 1973)
The Return of the Giant Hogweed (Bataclan, France 1973)
The Knife (Bataclan, France 1973)
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (5.1 mix) / Melody, French TV 1974
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway (5.1 mix)
- Fly on a Windshield (5.1 mix)
- Broadway Melody of 1974 (5.1 mix)
- Cuckoo Cocoon (5.1 mix)
- In the Cage (5.1 mix)
- The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging (5.1 mix)
- Back in N.Y.C. (5.1 mix)
- Hairless Heart (5.1 mix)
- Counting Out Time (5.1 mix)
- The Carpet Crawlers (5.1 mix)
- The Chamber of 32 Doors (5.1 mix)
- Lilywhite Lilith (5.1 mix)
- The Waiting Room (5.1 mix)
- Anyway (5.1 mix)
- Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist (5.1 mix)
- The Lamia (5.1 mix)
- Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats (5.1 mix)
- The Colony of Slippermen: Arrival / A Visit to the Doktor / Raven (5.1 mix)
- Ravine (5.1 mix)
- The Light Dies Down on Broadway (5.1 mix)
- Riding the Scree (5.1 mix)
- In the Rapids (5.1 mix)
- it. (5.1 mix)
Firth of Fifth (excerpt) (Melody, French TV 1974)
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) (Melody, French TV 1974)
- Supper’s Ready (Melody, French TV 1974)
Extra Tracks (5.1 mix) / Midnight Special 1973
- Happy the Man (5.1 mix)
- Twilight Alehouse (5.1 mix)
- Going Out to Get You (5.1 mix)
- Shepherd (5.1 mix)
- Pacidy (5.1 mix)
- Let Us Now Make Love (5.1 mix)
- Provocation (5.1 mix)
- Frustration (5.1 mix)
- Manipulation (5.1 mix)
- Resignation (5.1 mix)
- Watcher of the Skies (live, 1973: Midnight Special)
The Musical Box (live, 1973: Midnight Special)
1976–1982 (Compilation)
A Trick of the Tail
- Dance on a Volcano
- Mad Man Moon
- Robbery, Assault and Battery
- A Trick of the Tail
- Los Endos
Wind & Wuthering
- Eleventh Earl of Mar
- One for the Vine
- Your Own Special Way
- Wot Gorilla?
- All in a Mouse’s Night
Blood on the Rooftops
- Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers…
- …In That Quiet Earth
- Afterglow
…and Then There Were Three...
- Down and Out
- Ballad of Big
- Burning Rope
- Deep in the Motherlode
- Many Too Many
- Scenes From a Night’s Dream
- Say It’s Alright Joe
- The Lady Lies
Follow You Follow Me
- Behind the Lines
- Guide Vocal
- Man of Our Times
- Misunderstanding
Turn It On Again
- Alone Tonight
- Cul-de-sac
- Please Don’t Ask
- Duke’s Travels
- Duke’s End
- No Reply at All
- Me and Sarah Jane
- Keep It Dark
- Dodo/Lurker
- Who Dunnit?
- Man on the Corner
- Like It or Not
- Another Record
Extra Tracks
- Evidence of Autumn
- Pigeons
- You Might Recall
- Naminanu
- Inside and Out
- Vancouver
- Me and Virgil
- It’s Yourself
- Match of the Day
- Open Door
- The Day the Light Went Out
- Submarine
A Trick of the Tail (5.1 mix) / Videos / In Concert 1976
- Dance on a Volcano (5.1 mix)
Entangled (5.1 mix)
Squonk (5.1 mix)
- Mad Man Moon (5.1 mix)
- Robbery, Assault and Battery (5.1 mix)
Ripples… (5.1 mix)
- A Trick of the Tail (5.1 mix)
- Los Endos (5.1 mix)
- Robbery, Assault and Battery (video)
Ripples… (video)
- A Trick of the Tail (video)
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) (In Concert 1976)
- Fly on a Windshield (In Concert 1976)
Carpet Crawlers (In Concert 1976)
The Cinema Show (In Concert 1976)
Entangled (In Concert 1976)
- Supper’s Ready (In Concert 1976)
- Los Endos (In Concert 1976)
Wind & Wuthering (5.1 mix) / Live on Television
- Eleventh Earl of Mar (5.1 mix)
- One for the Vine (5.1 mix)
- Your Own Special Way (5.1 mix)
- Wot Gorilla? (5.1 mix)
- All in a Mouse’s Night (5.1 mix)
Blood on the Rooftops (5.1 mix)
- Unquiet Slumbers for the Sleepers… (5.1 mix)
- …in That Quiet Earth (5.1 mix)
- Afterglow (5.1 mix)
- Your Own Special Way (live CS Television)
- Interview (live CS Television)
- Afterglow (live CS Television)
- Eleventh Earl of Mar (live Japanese Television)
- One for the Vine (live Japanese Television)
- Your Own Special Way (live Japanese Television)
…and Then There Were Three… (5.1 mix) / Videos
- Down and Out (5.1 mix)
Undertow (5.1 mix)
- Ballad of Big (5.1 mix)
Snowbound (5.1 mix)
- Burning Rope (5.1 mix)
- Deep in the Motherlode (5.1 mix)
- Many Too Many (5.1 mix)
- Scenes From a Night’s Dream (5.1 mix)
- Say It’s Alright Joe (5.1 mix)
- The Lady Lies (5.1 mix)
Follow You Follow Me (5.1 mix)
- Many Too Many (video)
Follow You Follow Me (video)
Duke (5.1 mix) / Videos / Live at The Lyceum, London 1980
- Behind the Lines (5.1 mix)
Duchess (5.1 mix)
- Guide Vocal (5.1 mix)
- Man of Our Times (5.1 mix)
- Misunderstanding (5.1 mix)
Heathaze (5.1 mix)
Turn It On Again (5.1 mix)
- Alone Tonight (5.1 mix)
- Cul-de-sac (5.1 mix)
- Please Don’t Ask (5.1 mix)
- Duke’s Travels (5.1 mix)
- Duke’s End (5.1 mix)
Duchess (video)
- Misunderstanding (video)
Turn It on Again (video)
- Behind the Lines (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
Duchess (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
- Guide Vocal (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
- In the Cage (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
- Afterglow (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
- Dance on a Volcano (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
- Drum Duet (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
- Los Endos (live, 1980-05-06: The Lyceum, London, England)
Abacab (5.1 mix) / Videos
Abacab (5.1 mix)
- No Reply at All (5.1 mix)
- Me and Sarah Jane (5.1 mix)
- Keep It Dark (5.1 mix)
- Dodo/Lurker (5.1 mix)
- Who Dunnit? (5.1 mix)
- Man on the Corner (5.1 mix)
- Like It or Not (5.1 mix)
- Another Record (5.1 mix)
Abacab (video)
- No Reply at All (video)
- Keep It Dark (video)
- Man on the Corner (video)
Extra Tracks (5.1 mix) / Video
Paperlate (5.1 mix)
- Evidence of Autumn (5.1 mix)
- Pigeons (5.1 mix)
- You Might Recall (5.1 mix)
- Naminanu (5.1 mix)
- Inside and Out (5.1 mix)
- Vancouver (5.1 mix)
- Me and Virgil (5.1 mix)
- It’s Yourself (5.1 mix)
- Match of the Day (5.1 mix)
- Open Door (5.1 mix)
- The Day the Light Went Out (5.1 mix)
- Submarine (5.1 mix)
Paperlate (video 5.1 mix)
1983–1998 (Compilation)
- That’s All
- Home by the Sea
- Second Home by the Sea
Illegal Alien
- Taking It All Too Hard
Just a Job to Do
Silver Rainbow
- It’s Gonna Get Better
Invisible Touch
Invisible Touch
Tonight Tonight Tonight
Land of Confusion
In Too Deep
- Anything She Does
- Domino: Part One – In the Glow of the Night / Part Two – The Last Domino
Throwing It All Away
- The Brazilian
We Can’t Dance
No Son of Mine
Jesus He Knows Me
Driving the Last Spike
I Can’t Dance
- Never a Time
- Dreaming While You Sleep
Tell Me Why
- Living Forever
Hold On My Heart
Way of the World
Since I Lost You
- Fading Lights
…Calling All Stations…
Calling All Stations
- Alien Afternoon
- Not About Us
- If That’s What You Need
The Dividing Line
Uncertain Weather
- Small Talk
- There Must Be Some Other Way
- One Man’s Fool
Extra Tracks
- On the Shoreline
- Hearts on Fire
- Do the Neurotic
- Feeding the Fire
- I’d Rather Be You
- Anything Now
- Sign Your Life Away
- Run Out of Time
Genesis (5.1 mix) / Videos / Mama Tour Rehearsal 1983
Mama (5.1 mix)
- That’s All (5.1 mix)
- Home by the Sea (5.1 mix)
- Second Home by the Sea (5.1 mix)
Illegal Alien (5.1 mix)
- Taking It All Too Hard (5.1 mix)
Just a Job to Do (5.1 mix)
Silver Rainbow (5.1 mix)
- It’s Gonna Get Better (5.1 mix)
- Mama (5.1 mix video)
- That’s All (5.1 mix video)
- Home by the Sea / Second Home by the Sea (5.1 mix video)
Illegal Alien (5.1 mix video)
- Dodo (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
- Lurker (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
Carpet Crawlers (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
- That’s All (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
Mama (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
Illegal Alien (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
- Eleventh Earl of Mar (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
Ripples… (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
Squonk (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
Firth of Fifth (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
- Man on the Corner (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
- Who Dunnit? (live, 1983: Mama tour rehearsal)
Invisible Touch (5.1 mix) / Videos
Invisible Touch (5.1 mix)
Tonight Tonight Tonight (5.1 mix)
Land of Confusion (5.1 mix)
In Too Deep (5.1 mix)
- Anything She Does (5.1 mix)
- Domino: Part One – In the Glow of the Night / Part Two – The Last Domino (5.1 mix)
Throwing It All Away (5.1 mix)
- The Brazilian (5.1 mix)
Invisible Touch (5.1 mix video)
- Tonight Tonight Tonight (5.1 mix video)
Land of Confusion (5.1 mix video)
In Too Deep (5.1 mix video)
- Anything She Does (5.1 mix video)
We Can’t Dance (5.1 mix) / Videos
No Son of Mine (5.1 mix)
Jesus He Knows Me (5.1 mix)
Driving the Last Spike (5.1 mix)
I Can’t Dance (5.1 mix)
- Never a Time (5.1 mix)
- Dreaming While You Sleep (5.1 mix)
Tell Me Why (5.1 mix)
- Living Forever (5.1 mix)
Hold on My Heart (5.1 mix)
Way of the World (5.1 mix)
Since I Lost You (5.1 mix)
- Fading Lights (5.1 mix)
- No Son of Mine (5.1 mix video)
- Jesus He Knows Me (5.1 mix video)
- I Can’t Dance (5.1 mix video)
- Tell Me Why (5.1 mix video)
- Hold on My Heart (5.1 mix video)
…Calling All Stations… (5.1 mix) / Videos / Rock im Park / Polish Television
Calling All Stations (5.1 mix)
Congo (5.1 mix)
Shipwrecked (5.1 mix)
- Alien Afternoon (5.1 mix)
- Not About Us (5.1 mix)
- If That’s What You Need (5.1 mix)
The Dividing Line (5.1 mix)
Uncertain Weather (5.1 mix)
- Small Talk (5.1 mix)
- There Must Be Some Other Way (5.1 mix)
- One Man’s Fool (5.1 mix)
- Congo (5.1 mix video)
- Shipwrecked (5.1 mix video)
- Not About Us (5.1 mix video)
Calling All Stations (live, 1998: Rock Im Park, Germany)
- There Must Be Some Other Way (live, 1998: Polish Television)
The Dividing Line (live, 1998: Polish Television)
Extra Tracks (5.1 mix) / Knebworth 1993 / MMF Awards Ceremony 2000
- On the Shoreline (5.1 mix)
- Hearts on Fire (5.1 mix)
- Do the Neurotic (5.1 mix)
- Feeding the Fire (5.1 mix)
- I’d Rather Be You (5.1 mix)
- Anything Now (5.1 mix)
- Sign Your Life Away (5.1 mix)
- Run Out of Time (5.1 mix)
- Big Medley, Part 1: Dance on a Volcano / The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
- Big Medley, Part 2: The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway / The Musical Box / Firth of Fifth
- Big Medley, Part 3: Firth of Fifth / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
- Big Medley, Part 4: I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) / That’s All / Illegal Alien / Your Own Special Way / Follow You Follow Me
- Big Medley, Part 5: Follow You Follow Me / I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) / Home by the Sea
- Home by the Sea / Domino, Part 1: In the Glow of the Night
- Domino, Part 1: In the Glow of the Night
- Domino, Part 1: In the Glow of the Night / Part 2: The Last Domino
- Domino, Part 2: The Last Domino
- [Phil’s intro]
Invisible Touch
Follow You Follow Me
I Can’t Dance
Turn It On Again
- [award ceremony]