- rR
- RRab
- RabRac
- RacRad
- RadRad
- RadRae
- RaeRAF
- RAFRag
- RagRAH
- RahRah
- RahRai
- RaiRai
- RaiRaj
- RajRal
- RalRam
- RamRam
- RamRam
- RamRan
- RRan
- RanRan
- RanRap
- RapRap
- RapRar
- RarRas
- RasRAT
- RatRat
- RRav
- RavRav
- RavRaw
- RaxRay
- RayRay
- RayRaz
- Razrea
- ReaRea
- REAReb
- RebReb
- RebRED
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedREE
- ReeRee
- ReeRef
- RefReg
- RegReg
- RegRei
- ReiRei
- ReiRel
- RelRem
- RemRen
- RenRen
- RenRep
- RepRes
- ResRes
- ResRet
- RetRev
- RevRev
- RevRex
- RexRey
- Rey
- RezRhi
- RhiRhy
- RhyRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRID
- RIDRig
- RigRik
- RikRim
- RimRin
- RinRio
- RioRis
- RisRIT
- RitRiv
- RivRiv
- RivRiv
- RivRiz
- RizRM
- RMRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRod
- RodRod
- RodRog
- RogRog
- RogRok
- RokRol
- RolRom
- RomRom
- RomRon
- RonRon
- RonRoo
- RooRoo
- RooRor
- RorRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRot
- RotRou
- RouRov
- RovRox
- RoxRoy
- RoyRoy
- RoyRoz
- RozRub
- RubRub
- RubRud
- RudRuf
- RufRui
- RuiRum
- RumRun
- RunRun
- RunRus
- RusRus
- RusRus
- RusRvs
- RvsRya
- RyaRym
- RynRZO
- r (Italian ambient electronic producer Fabrizio Modenese Palumbo)
- R de Rumba
- R Plus (Rollo Armstrong)
- R Plus Fox, Amelia
- R PlusDido
- R Zar Ni
- r_chase
- R-DuG
- R-Go
- R-Scar
- R-Truth
- R‐Mean (rapper)
- R‐Mean feat. French, Jason
- R‐Shitei (Japanese rapper, Creepy Nuts)
- R‐Swift
- R, A
- R, Irina
- R!OT
- R. City (hip‐hop/R&B artist/producer duo, aka Rock City)
- R. City feat. Akon
- R. City feat. Angelides, Chloe
- R. City feat. Levine, Adam
- R. City feat. Riley, Tarrus
- R. J. Khan feat. PnK Banarasiya
- R. Missing
- R., AnNa
- R., Edward
- R.A. the Rugged Man
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Block McCloud
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Brother Ali & Masta Ace
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Bruun, Amalie
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Eamon
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Havoc
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Hopsin
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. J‐Live
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Jedi Mind Tricks
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Killah Priest & Masta Killa
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. King, Timbo
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Notorious B.I.G., The
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Sadat X
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Sadat X & Paz, Vinnie
- R.A. the Rugged Man feat. Tech N9ne & Kaliko, Krizz
- R.A.E (UK female rapper and singer)
- R.A.P. (Latvian rock group)
- R.A.T. (Dutch classic rock-inspired music)
- R.B.A.
- R.C. Sullivan (Dutch hardcore band)
- R.D.S.K.
- R.E.D. (Dutch boyband)
- R.E.D.K
- R.E.G. Project, The
- R.E.L. (psytrance; Ariel Sela)
- R.E.M. (American rock band)
- R.E.M. feat. Burroughs, William S.
- R.E.M. feat. Q‐Tip
- R.E.M. feat. Yorke, Thom
- R.E.M. feat. Young, Neil
- R.e.y.
- R.I.O. (German dance project; “Shine On”, “Turn This Club Around”, etc.)
- R.I.O. & Nicco
- R.I.O. & U‐Jean
- R.I.O. feat. Liz Kay
- R.I.O. feat. Nicco
- R.I.O. feat. U-Jean
- R.I.O. feat. U-Jean
- R.I.O. feat. U‐Jean
- R.I.O., Hitmen, The & KYANU
- R.I.O.T. (rap artist)
- R.I.P. (Spanish punk band)
- R.I.P. (musician for vewn)
- R.J. feat. Pitbull
- R.J. feat. Pitbull
- R.J. Khan feat. PnK Banarasiya
- R.L. Kelly (American electropop musician)
- R.M (Romain Mégroz)
- R.M.F.C.
- R.O.O.S.
- R.O.T. (Metal band from Italy)
- R.Rose
- R.Seiliog (welsh language musician / producer)
- R.U.B (Australian punk band)
- R.U.T.A.
- R.Wan (French artist Erwan Séguillon)
- R.X
- R’n’G
- r/GreenDay Cover Project
- R/R Coseboom
- R&B (Taiwanese idol group)