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- LilLil
- LilLil
- LilLil
- LilLil
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- LogLoh
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- LovLov
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- LunLun
- LunLun
- LUNLus
- LusLuv
- LuvLuz
- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Leama & Moor
- Leama & Moor feat. Johnston, Jan
- Lean (Lean (american band))
- Lean & Akai
- Lean Chihiro
- Lean, Max & Mentum
- Leandah
- Leander Kills (Hungarian metal band)
- Leander Rising (Hungarian metal band)
- Leander, Mike
- Leander, Zarah
- leandoer96, jonatan (a.k.a. jonatan leandoer127)
- Leandra
- Leandra, Eva (Swiss pop)
- Léandre
- Leandro & Leonardo
- Leandro Buenno
- Leandro, Edgar
- Leandro, Leo
- Leandros, Vicky
- Leandros, Vicky & Berg, Andrea
- Leandros, Vicky & Burgh, de, Chris
- Leandros, Vicky & Denjean, Claude
- Leandros, Vicky & Hallyday, Johnny
- Leandros, Vicky & Roussos, Demis
- Leandros, Vicky & Stereoact
- Leandros, Vicky Duett mit Christie, Tony
- Leandros, Vicky mit Christie, Tony
- Leandrul
- Léandry, Luc
- LeanJe (Musician)
- Leanna Firestone
- Leanne and Naara (Indie pop duo from the Philippines)
- Leanò (Italian singer/songwriter)
- Leão, Alessandra (Brazillian singer, composer, percussionist)
- Leão, Nara
- Leão, Nara & Buarque, Chico
- Leão, Nara & Dominguinhos
- Leão, Nara & Erasmo Carlos
- Leão, Nara & Gil, Gilberto
- Leão, Nara & Lobo, Edu
- Leão, Nara & Lyra, Carlos
- Leão, Nara & Menescal, Roberto
- Leão, Nara & Veloso, Caetano
- Leão, Nara com Lobo, Edu
- Leão, Rodrigo
- Leão, Rodrigo & Cinema Ensemble
- Leão, Rodrigo & Matthew, Scott
- Leão, Rodrigo feat. Ana Vieira
- LEAP (indie rock sad boys)
- leap, golden
- Leaping Lulu
- Leapy Lee
- Lear, Amanda
- Learke
- Learn It!
- Learn to Lie
- Learning Station, The
- Leary, Denis
- Leary, Mark
- Leary, Paul
- Leary, Ron
- Leary, Timothy
- Leash Eye
- LEASHES (Jeremy Blake's project)
- Least Concern
- Least of These (Texas post-hardcore band)
- leastfavorite!
- LEAT (soul)
- Leat’eq
- Leather Angel
- Leather Heart (Spanish heavy metal band)
- Leather Lung
- Leather Nun, The (Swedish garage rock band)
- Leatherface (UK Punk band)
- Leatherwolf
- Leatherwood, Gavin
- Leave (pop-rock from France)
- Leave (electro? unknown)
- Leave the Dead (New Zealand metal)
- Leave The Planet
- Leave, Christian
- Leavell, Chuck
- Leaves (Icelandic alternative rock band)
- Leaves, The (American garage band, 1960s)
- Leaves’ Eyes
- Leaves’ Eyes feat. Simons, Simone
- Leaving Echoes (Charlotte NC hard rock)
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