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- Lewis Del Mar (Duo from Queens, NY)
- Lewis Family, The
- Lewis Fieldhouse (London Based Singer Songwriter)
- Lewis Garland & The Kett Rebellion
- Lewis McLaughlin
- Lewis, Aaron (lead vocalist for Staind)
- Lewis, Aaron (producer)
- Lewis, Aaron (Field recordings)
- Lewis, Aaron feat. Gill, Vince & Tyminski, Dan
- Lewis, Aaron feat. Nelson, Willie
- Lewis, Al (Welsh singer-songwriter)
- Lewis, Al & Darling West
- Lewis, Alexander (SoundCloud trap/EDM artist)
- Lewis, Alexander feat. Row, Nick
- Lewis, Alice
- Lewis, Andy
- Lewis, Ann (J‐pop singer)
- Lewis, Anthony (US R&B singer)
- Lewis, B.
- Lewis, Barbara
- Lewis, Ben & Lyons, Casey
- Lewis, Benji
- Lewis, Black Joe
- Lewis, Blake
- Lewis, Blake feat. Fiasco, Lupe
- Lewis, Blake feat. James, Samantha
- Lewis, Bobby (R&B Singer)
- Lewis, Bobby (US country singer & songwriter, Bobby Jones Lewis)
- Lewis, C.J.
- Lewis, Cary (pianist)
- Lewis, Cassandra
- Lewis, Charles D.
- Lewis, Crystal
- Lewis, D.C.
- Lewis, Damian (actor)
- Lewis, David (UK singer‐songwriter, former frontman of Andwella’s Dream)
- Lewis, David (Country Music Artist)
- Lewis, Dean (singer‐songwriter)
- Lewis, Dean & Michaels, Julia
- Lewis, Dean & Sloan, Sasha Alex
- Lewis, Dip
- Lewis, Dominic (British score composer)
- Lewis, Dominic & Jones, Charles
- Lewis, Donna
- Lewis, Ed (jazz trumpeter)
- Lewis, Ephraim (soul singer and songwriter)
- Lewis, Erika (blues and folk vocalist, notably with Tuba Skinny)
- Lewis, Evan (Canadian guitarist)
- Lewis, Freddie (trans pop artist)
- Lewis, Furry
- Lewis, Furry (American country blues guitarist)
- Lewis, Gary & the Playboys
- Lewis, George (New Orleans jazz clarinetist)
- Lewis, Glenn (Canadian neo soul singer/songwriter)
- Lewis, Hannah Jane (pop singer)
- Lewis, Harry Dean (Singer songwriter)
- Lewis, Herschell Gordon
- Lewis, Hopeton
- Lewis, Huey
- Lewis, Huey & News, The (Rock . Pop . Top 40)
- Lewis, Huey and News, The feat. Wynonna
- Lewis, Huey and the News (American pop rock band)
- Lewis, Huey and the News & Judd, Wynonna
- Lewis, Jack (US anti-folk musician)
- Lewis, Jamie
- Lewis, Jamie & Pippi, DJ
- Lewis, Jamie & Pippi, DJ feat. Cooper, Kim
- Lewis, Jamie & Watford, Michael
- Lewis, Jayce
- Lewis, Jeff & Hope, Mitchell
- Lewis, Jeffrey (US singer-songwriter/comic book artist)
- Lewis, Jeffrey & Bolts, Los
- Lewis, Jeffrey & Junkyard, The
- Lewis, Jeffrey & Lewis, Jack
- Lewis, Jeffrey & The Jrams
- Lewis, Jeffrey & The Voltage
- Lewis, Jenifer feat. Pinnacle Gospel Choir, The
- Lewis, Jenny (US actress and musician)
- Lewis, Jenny with Watson Twins, The
- Lewis, Jerry (US actor, comedian and occasional singer)
- Lewis, Jerry Lee (Rock & Roll pianist, nicknamed “The Killer”)
- Lewis, Jerry Lee & Lewis, Linda Gail
- Lewis, Jerry Lee feat. Fogerty, John
- Lewis, Jerry Lee feat. Nelson, Willie
- Lewis, Jerry Lee feat. Richards, Keith
- Lewis, Jerry Lee with Fogerty, John
- Lewis, Jerry Lee with Henley, Don
- Lewis, Jerry Lee with Jagger, Mick & Wood, Ron
- Lewis, Jerry Lee with Jones, George
- Lewis, Jerry Lee with King, B.B.
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