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- LUNLus
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- LuvLuz
- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Luísa Sonza & Sena, Marina
- Luísa Sonza & Tokischa
- Luísa Sonza & Vitão
- Luísa Sonza & Vittar, Pabllo
- Luísa Sonza, Vittar, Pabllo & Anitta
- Luisas (Argentinian band)
- Luise Pop
- LUISFER (Christian artist)
- Luisito Rey
- Luispo
- Luiz Carlos da Vila
- Luiz Cláudio & Giuliano
- Luiz Gonzaga & Gonzaguinha
- Luiz Loy Quinteto
- Luiz Marenco
- Luiz Tatit
- Luiz Tatit & Ozzetti, Ná
- Luiz, Simone
- Luiza & Maurílio
- Luizy
- Luján, Daniela
- Luján, Lino (Mexican norteño singer)
- Lujipeka (French hip hop)
- Lujuria (Spanish hard rock)
- LUJURIA (Argentina Rock Band)
- Luk
- Luk&Fil
- Luka (BR Singer/Songwriter)
- Luka (Luke Kuplowsky)
- Luka (Band of dutch singer‐songwriter Lisa Lukaszczyk)
- Luka (Lithuanian singer)
- Luka Blue
- Luka Lavish
- Luka State, The
- Luka, Leonard
- Lukah (Memphis)
- Lukas & Price
- Lukas el Taz, DJ
- Lukas Graham (Danish pop band)
- Lukas Graham feat. G‐Eazy
- Lukas Graham feat. Guyton, Mickey
- Lukas Graham feat. Khalid
- Lukas Setto (Male solo artist)
- Lukas, Aca (Serbian singer)
- Lukas, Frank
- Lukas, Ingrid
- Lukas, Kim
- Lukashaugen, Erik
- Lukasoprom
- Lukasyno
- Lukather, Steve
- Lukather, Steve & Friends
- Lukather, Steve & Williams, Joseph
- Lukather, Steve & Winter, Edgar
- Lukather, Steve feat. Starr, Ringo and Williams, Joseph
- Lukather, Steve, Paich, David & Williams, Joseph
- Lukay
- Luke (French rock band)
- Luke (a group from Denmark)
- Luke (Eurobeat artist)
- LUKE (Saarbrücken singer songwriter)
- Luke Anger (French Artist)
- Luke Bars
- Luke Bars & Dupes
- Luke Bars & Moody, Max
- Luke Bars, Notebook P & Dupes
- Luke Bingham
- Luke Black (Serbian Singer, Songwriter)
- Luke Bodine
- Luke Burr
- Luke Chiang (Taiwanese American singer/songwriter)
- Luke Cyrus (From Bath, Michigan)
- Luke Fono
- Luke Grimes
- Luke James Williams (Cambridge based singer songwriter)
- Luke Noa
- Luke RV
- Luke the Drifter
- Luke Trimble
- Luke, Dan and Raid, The
- Luke, Robin (American rockabilly singer)
- Luke, Shoemaker
- Luke, Steve & Holloway
- lukebike
- Lukeman, Jack
- Lukens, Walker
- Luker, Rebecca
- Luker, Rebecca, Siberry, Michael, Bowen, Andrea, Ballinger, Matthew, Zelle, Sara, Hopkins, Ryan, Hall, Natalie, Walsh, Tracy Alison, Orr, Ashley Rose
- Lukestar
- Lukey
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