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- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Living Cursed (Beatdown hardcore band from Los Angeles, CA)
- Living Daylights, The (Band from Newcastle, England late 1960s)
- Living Days
- Living Death
- Living End, The (Australian punk band)
- Living Hour
- Living Hour feat. Jay Som
- Living Illusion
- Living in a Box
- Living in a Box feat. Womack, Bobby
- Living in Fiction
- Living in Titan
- Living Joy (Visnandi/Robinson)
- Living Legends (California underground hip-hop collective)
- Living Legends feat. Pep Love & Wilkinson, Jo
- Living Legends feat. Slug
- Living Light
- Living Loud
- Living Proof, The
- Living Room (future jazz/lounge producer Ingolf Schapke)
- Living Room ft. Akin
- Living Room ft. Hoogway
- Living Room ft. Minsky, Viktor
- Living Room ft. Mondo Loops
- Living Room ft. Phlocalyst
- Living Sacrifice
- Living Sacrifice feat. Peters, Dave
- Living Signs
- Living Sisters, The
- Living Skins, The
- Living Sorrow
- Living Syndication
- Living Things
- Living Tombstone, The
- Living Tombstone, The & CG5
- Living Tombstone, The feat. 8‐Bit Big Band, The & Vee, Cristina
- Living Tombstone, The feat. Black Gryphon, Jayn & Bull, Dan
- Living Tombstone, The feat. Myuu & Lovelock, Elsie
- Living Tombstone, The feat. Nelson, Hayley
- Living Tombstone, The feat. Odyssey & Chi‐Chi
- Living Tombstone, The feat. OR3O & SixteenInMono
- Living Tombstone, The feat. Sam & Bill
- Living Tombstone, The, Vee, Cristina & 8‐Bit Big Band, The
- Living Voices
- Living Weapon (mathcore band from Boston, MA)
- Living With Lions
- Livingdog
- Livingmore
- Livingroom.
- Livings, Frances
- Livingston (Texas)
- Livingston (United Kingdom rock)
- Livingston, Howard and The Mile Marker 24 Band
- Livingston, Jay
- Livingston, Jay & Evans, Ray
- Livingston, Stefan
- Livingstone, Dandy
- Livingstone, Ian
- Livingstone, Rick & Dinletir, Paul
- Livinho, MC
- LIVIYA (German-American Artist)
- Livka
- Livki, Olivia Anna
- Livløs
- Livre'
- Livres para Adorar (Braziliam Christian Band (Juliano Son))
- Livya
- Liwa, Tom
- Lixomania
- Liya, Vana
- Liyana Fizi (formerly of Estrella)
- Liyou, Lucy
- Liyuu
- Liyv
- LIZ (German rapper)
- Liz (Venezuelan singer, Los Melódicos' former vocalist)
- LIZ (Elizabeth Nicole Abrams, singer on Mad Decent/Jeffree's label)
- Liz Damon’s Orient Express
- Liz Kay
- Liz Lokre
- Liz, Marisa
- Liza (Ethiopian‐Canadian singer/songwriter)
- Liza & Kay
- Liza Anne
- Liza Aulia (Kasga Record)
- Liza Flume
- Liza Fox
- Liza, Lydia
- Liza23
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