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- LunLun
- LUNLus
- LusLuv
- LuvLuz
- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Lia Kali
- LIA LIA (Berlin-based singer-songwriter)
- Lia Shine (Turkish Rapper)
- Lía, Ana (Dominican-Canadian singer/songwriter and actress)
- Lia, Ellen
- Lia, Shay
- Liability Luke
- Liadh
- Liaison (British prog band)
- Liaison (Christian band)
- Liaisons D (Belgian early 1990s new beat/techno project)
- Liaisons Dangereuses (German early 1980s EBM / electropunk)
- Liam and Me
- Liam Cooper (Australian singer-songwriter)
- Liam Hayes
- Liam Lawton (added unlisted artist)
- Liam St. John (Blue's)
- Liam Thomas
- Liam Vincent & the Odd Foxes
- Liam x (Pop with Electonica influence from Germany)
- Liam, Levin
- Liam, Levin & reezy
- Liamoo
- Liamoo & KUBA
- LIAN (Austrian rock band)
- Lian, Luiza
- Liana Banks (American singer)
- Liane (German schlager singer / Liane Fröschen)
- Liang, Rachel
- Liang, Ronnie
- Liang, Wen Yin (Taiwan Pop Singer)
- Lianna (Colombian artist)
- Liar (Romanian electronic artist)
- Liar (UK 70s band)
- Liar (Belgian 1990s/2000s metalcore band)
- Liar (German power metal band)
- Liar of Golgotha (Black Metal band from Rotterdam)
- Liar Symphony
- Liar Thief Bandit (Rock band from Malmö, Sweden)
- Liar, Billy (Scottish acoustic folk-punk singer/songwriter)
- Liars
- Liars Academy
- Liars Inc.
- Liata
- Liatecy (zouk singer)
- Liautaud, Tess
- Liaze (hip‐hop/rap)
- Libana
- Libatiba
- Libaux, Olivier
- Libaux, Olivier feat. George, Inara
- Libaux, Olivier feat. Muldaur Manchon, Clare
- Libaux, Olivier feat. Torrini, Emilíana
- Libby Redman
- Libe
- Libedinsky, Carlos
- Liben, Vincent (Belgian singer, composer & lyricist)
- Liber
- Libera
- Liberace
- Liberación
- Liberación, Galindo, Miguel, Marehuala, Alejandro & Garcia, Gerardo
- Liberando El Corazón
- Liberati, Letizia
- Liberation Group & Kirschnereit, Matthias
- Liberation Music Orchestra
- Liberato
- Liberator
- Liberg, Hans
- Libero 5
- Libero, Thomas
- Libertad, Tania
- Libertad, Tania feat. Évora, Cesária
- Libertad, Tania y Milanés, Pablo
- Liberteer (Anarcho-grind)
- Libertines, Borna
- Libertines, The (British indie rock band)
- Liberto, Nazario di
- Liberty 37 (Welsh four-piece band)
- Liberty City
- Liberty City Fla.
- Liberty Horses
- Liberty Lies
- Liberty University Campus Praise Band, The
- Liberty X
- Liberty, The
- Libianca
- Libido (Peruvian rock band)
- Libido (Norwegian band)
- Liblikas
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