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- LuvLuz
- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Le☆S☆Ca (Tokyo 7th Sisters characters)
- Le1f (rapper and DJ Khalif Diouf)
- Le1f feat. Hynes, Devonté & Miss Geri
- Le1f feat. Junglepussy & House of LaDosha
- Lea (US folk singer-songwriter)
- LEA (German vocalist Lea-Marie Becker)
- LEA & 01099 & Gustav & Zachi
- LEA & Casper
- LEA & Cyril
- LEA & Dhurata Dora
- LEA & Grönemeyer, Herbert
- LEA & Luvre47
- LEA & Luvre47
- LEA & Majan
- LEA & Maly, Lina
- LEA & Maly, Lina
- LEA feat. Weiss, Wincent
- Léa Paci
- Lea Porcelain
- Lea Riders Group
- Lea Sirk (Slovenian pop singer)
- LEA, 01099, Gustav & Zachi
- LEA, 01099, Zachi & Gustav
- Lea, Barbara
- Lea, Gaelynn (Fiddler from Duluth, Minn)
- Lea, Jim
- Lea, Sherrie
- Leachman, Cloris
- Lead
- Lead (Guatemalan Christian music group)
- Lead Belly
- Lead Belly & Golden Gate Quartet, The
- Lead Coloured River
- Lead Into Gold (industrial rock)
- Lead Major (French producer)
- Lead Shot Hazard (Punk band from London, UK)
- Lead, DJ feat. Jones, Jim & Ai
- Lead, The (80s–90s US Christian Hardcore/Thrash Metal group)
- Leadbelly
- Leaders
- Leaders of the New School
- Leaders, The (Jazz Supergroup)
- Leadfinger
- Leading Ladies (UK-US female vocal trio)
- Leading Psychics
- Leading Zeroes
- Leadley
- Leadon, Bernie
- Leadrobot
- Leaf (RNB Hip hop Rap singer Mikala McLean)
- Leaf (Dutch pop/rock band 2005–2009, originated at Rockacademie)
- LeaF
- leaf beach
- Leaf Dog
- Leaf Hound
- Leaf House (Belgian band)
- Leaf Ward
- Leafblade
- League of Distortion (German metal band)
- League of Gentlemen, The (UK, a second-division touring new wave instrumental dance band)
- League of Legends
- League of Lights
- League Two (Minneapolis Indie band (formerly Present Company))
- League Unlimited Orchestra, The
- League, Michael
- Leagues
- Leah (Leah McHenry - Canadian symphonic rock artist)
- Leah (Leah van Niekerk/SA based Afrikaans singer)
- Leah Belle Faser
- Leah Kate
- Leah West
- Leah, Michal
- Leah, Sandy
- Leah, Sandy (Brazilian Singer)
- Leah, Sandy
- Leah, Sandy (Sandy Leah)
- Leahcar, Rachael
- Leahy
- Leahy, Josh
- Leak Bros.
- Leaking Head (Hardcore / d-beat band from Rochester, NY)
- Leakz 2.0 (Hip-Hop Artist)
- Leal, Edwin
- Leal, Nena (Christian singer/songwriter)
- Leal, Roberto
- Lealani (US beatmaker, Lealani Teano)
- Leali, Fausto
- Leali, Fausto & Oxa, Anna
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