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- Ledin, Tomas & Fältskog, Agnetha
- Ledinsky (Folk/rock musician from Sweden)
- Ledisi
- Ledisi & Lattimore, Kenny
- Ledisi feat. Jaheim
- Ledmotiv
- LeDonne, Mike
- LeDoux, Chris
- LeDoux, Chris feat. Bon Jovi, Jon
- LeDoux, Chris feat. Brooks, Garth
- LeDoux, Chris feat. Daniels, Charlie
- LeDoux, Chris feat. Keith, Toby
- LeDoux, Ned
- Leduc, Catherine
- Lee 'Scratch' Perry & The Upsetters
- Lee "Scratch" Perry & The Upsetters
- lee (asano+ryuhei) (from japan, lives in bangkok)
- Lee Aram
- Lee Barrett (Rapper)
- Lee Carr
- Lee Chang's Funny Remix
- Lee Corey Oswald (Portland, OR)
- Lee Dresser & Krazy Kats, The
- Lee Harvey Osmond
- Lee Henke
- Lee Jackson (1970s Brazilian band)
- Lee Jeong-Jae (K-Indie Singer)
- Lee Jin Hyuk (UP10TION)
- Lee Kings, The (1960s Swedish pop group)
- Lee Memorial
- Lee Mujin
- Lee Mvtthews (DnB, trap & Dubstep duo from NZ)
- Lee Perry & The Upsetters
- Lee Press-On and the Nails
- Lee Schmidt, Henry (Spanish singer-songwriter, frontman of The False Friends)
- Lee So-ra
- Lee Su Hyun (I.B.I member)
- Lee Yi (ambient musician)
- Lee Young Hyun (Member of korean band BIG MAMA)
- Lee Z (Melodic progressive metal)
- Lee, Albert (guitarist)
- Lee, Albert & Hogan's Heroes
- Lee, Albert & Hogan's Heroes
- Lee, Alice (singer, releases include "The Quicksand EP" and "The Art of Forgetting")
- Lee, Alvin
- Lee, Alvin & LeFevre, Mylon
- Lee, Alvin & Ten Years Later
- Lee, Alvin Ten Years Later
- Lee, Amanda (Hong Kong pop singer, actress)
- Lee, Amos
- Lee, Amy (jazz saxophonist)
- Lee, Amy (singer and keyboardist of Evanescence)
- Lee, Angelica
- Lee, Anne
- Lee, Annie (Philippines)
- Lee, Arthur
- Lee, Arthur & Love
- Lee, Ben (Australian singer/songwriter)
- Lee, Ben feat. Moore, Mandy
- Lee, Bill (American singer, Disney character voice talent)
- Lee, Brenda (1960s American singer)
- Lee, Bryan (blues guitarist born as Brian Leroy Kumbalek)
- Lee, Buzzy
- Lee, Byron
- Lee, Byron & Mighty Sparrow
- Lee, Byron and the Dragonaires
- Lee, Byron and the Dragonaires featuring Isaacs, Gregory
- Lee, Byron and the Dragonaires featuring Mighty Sparrow
- Lee, Chang-sub (BTOB)
- Lee, Chanhyeok
- Lee, Chris (Chinese pop singer and actress)
- Lee, Christopher (English actor and singer)
- Lee, CoCo
- Lee, Curtis (US rock & roll singer, had single "Pretty Little Angel Eyes")
- Lee, Dave (UK DJ & producer fka Joey Negro)
- Lee, Dave feat. Saunderson, Ann
- Lee, Dick (Singaporean pop singer)
- Lee, Dickey
- Lee, Dinah
- Lee, Dong Jun
- Lee, E-jun (Taiwanese singer)
- Lee, Edo
- Lee, Elijah (lo-fi artist)
- Lee, Elliot
- Lee, Felix
- Lee, Floyd
- Lee, Frankie (country singer)
- Lee, Fulton
- Lee, Garry and Showdown
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