Timothy Leary Songtexte
Legend of a Mind
Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
What Do You Turn on When You Turn On
Geboren am 22. Oktober 1920, Gestorben am 31. Mai 1996
Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
- Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out
- The Trip: The Turn On
- The Trip: The Tune In
- The Trip: The Beginning of the Voyage (Heart Chakra)
- The Trip: Root Chakra
- The Trip: All Girls Are Yours
- The Trip: Freak-out
- The Trip: Freak-out (Continued) ; Genetic Memory
- The Trip: Re-entry (Nirvana)
- The Trip: Epilogue (Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out)
Right to Fly
- No Regrets (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Ripped Van Winkle (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Rock & Roll Hollywood (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- 100 Naked Kangaroos in Blue Canoes (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Morality's Ugly Head (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Fugu Fish (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Psychorelic Rap (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Global Village (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Drive-By Love (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Slice It Dice It (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Seeing-Eye Man (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Right to Fly (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
- Too Far Out? (von Timothy Leary / Simon Stokes)
You Can Be Anyone This Time Around
Mehr Songtexte

- No Regrets
- Ripped Van Winkle
- Rock & Roll Hollywood
- 100 Naked Kangaroos in Blue Canoes
- Morality's Ugly Head
- Fugu Fish
- PsychoRelic Rap
- Global Village
- Drive-By Love
- Slice It Dice It
- Seeing-Eye Man
- Right To Fly
- Too far out?
- Legend of a Mind
- A Tale of the Tribe
- Pursuit of Pleasure Interview
- Effects and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs 03
- Effects and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs 01
- Interview in 1967 at Height of Hippie Movement
- Effects and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs 05
- Effects and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs 04
- Infamous Dinner Party With Nixon Aide G. Gordon Liddy
- Effects and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs 02
- Effects and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs 06
- Freak Out
- Root Chakra
- The Beginning of the Voyage (Heart Chakra)
- Re-Entry (Nirvana)
- The Tune In
- All Girls Are Yours
- Epilogue (Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out)
- The Turn On
- Freak Out (Continued) / Genetic Memory
- The Psychedelic Hierachy
- The Psychedelic Hierarchy
- Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Speaks On L.S.D.
- Leary Interviewed During 1967 at the Height of the Hippie Movement.
- Dr. Timothy Leary Discusses the Effects and Implications of Hallucinogenic Drugs at His Retreat in New York During the Early 60s.
- The Infamous Dinner Party Attended by Leary and Nixon Aide G. Gordon Liddy.
- Chapters 19–29
- Chapters 30–34
- Chapters 6–18
- Psychochemical Revolution
- Sensory Paradise
- Lesson Number One
- Elevation Of Human Consciousness
- The Oldest Law
- Why Is It?
- The Taking Of LSD
- Castalia Foundation(
- Training And Sensitivity Required
- Not An Idle Fantasy
- A Message To Young People
- The Aspect Of Marijuana
- Our Present Adult Culture
- An Ancient Trade Union
- One Final Word
- Every Baby That Is Born
- Every Time
- My Problem
- Early In The Life Of Every Mammal
- There's A Red Chimney
- Within The Temple Of Your Body