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- LunLun
- LUNLus
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- LuvLuz
- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Laine, Frankie & Stafford, Jo
- Laine, Frankie with Carroll, Jimmy & His Orchestra
- Laine, Julianna (Solo Artist)
- Laine, Paul
- Laine, Skylar (American Idol)
- Laineen Kasperi
- Laing (Electric Ladysound from Berlin)
- Laing (Debut album Sehnsucht)
- Laing, Emily (London Solo Artist)
- Laing, Hannah
- Laing, Hannah & HVRR
- Laing, Hannah & RoRo
- Laing, Robin
- Laing, Shona
- Lainio, Tanja
- Laíns, Ana (Portuguese Fado Singer)
- Laïoung
- Lair of the Minotaur
- Laird, Ryan
- Lairton e seus teclados
- Lais (Toronto R&B rapper)
- Laïs (Belgian vocal trio)
- Lais, Christian
- Laish (British folk rock band led by Danny Green)
- Laiska Leppone
- Laissez Faire (freestyle)
- Laissez Fairs, The
- Lait, Alain le
- Laiti, Sofia
- Laitinen, Jaakko & Väärä Raha
- Laity
- Lajamanu Teenage Band (Australian Indigenous Band)
- Lajarca Jr., Mario
- Lajoie, Jon
- Lajoie, Pamela
- Lajon, Annette
- LAK (german punk band)
- Lakatos (Hungarian gypsy ensemble)
- LaKayte
- Lake (70s/80s German rock band)
- LAKE (post‐classic rock/indie‐pop band from Olympia, WA)
- Lake (QB rapper)
- Lake & Lys
- Lake Forest
- Lake Heartbeat
- Lake Isabel
- lake j (Music of Cadien Lake James)
- Lake Jons (Finnish indie band)
- Lake Komo
- Lake Malawi (czech indie pop band)
- Lake Malawi & We Are DOMI
- Lake Malice
- Lake of Licks (German post-rock band)
- Lake of Tears (Swedish metal band)
- Lake Poets, The (Martin Longstaff)
- Lake Soul
- Lake Street Dive
- Lake Trout
- Lake, Brandon (US CCM songwriter)
- Lake, Brandon & Cook, Amanda Lindsey
- Lake, Brandon & Hastings, Benjamin William
- Lake, Brandon & JUDAH.
- Lake, Chris (British electronic music producer and DJ)
- Lake, Chris & Aluna
- Lake, Chris & Green Velvet
- Lake, Chris & Léger, Sébastien
- Lake, Chris & Solardo
- Lake, Chris feat. Hewitt, Emma
- Lake, Chris feat. Laura V
- Lake, Chris feat. Nastala
- Lake, Greg
- Lake, John (trumpet player)
- Lake, Meschiya and Little Big Horns, The
- Lake, Ricki, Winokur, Marissa Jaret and Blonsky, Nikki
- Lakecia Benjamin feat. Bridgewater, Dee Dee
- Lakefield
- Lakely
- Lakeman, Seth (English singer‐songwriter and musician)
- Lakeman, Seth feat. Wildwood Kin
- Lakes (US indie rock band)
- Lakes (alternative rock band from Watford, UK)
- Lakes of Canada
- Lakeshore
- Lakeside (US funk band)
- Lakeside Karaage
- Lakeside X
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Worship
- Lakewood Church
- Lakewood Church Choir
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