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- LunLus
- LusLuv
- LuvLV
- LvLyd
- LydLyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLZR
- Lulacruza
- LULI (Norwegian drummer, producer, songwriter)
- Lulic, Antonio
- Lulina
- Lull (duo acoustique)
- Lull, A
- Lullabeats, The
- lullaboy
- Lullaby (Brazilian black metal band)
- Lullaby Baby Trio
- Lullaby Baxter Trio
- Lullaby for the Working Class
- Lullaby Guys, The (children's music)
- Lullaby Players
- Lullaby Renditions of Classic Children's Songs
- Lullacry
- Lulleaux
- Lully
- Lulu (Scottish singer and actress, best known for “To Sir With Love”)
- Lulu & Atomic Kitten
- Lulu & Cocker, Joe
- Lulu & Die Einhornfarm
- Lulu & Die Einhornfarm feat. Chris Kotze
- Lulu & John, Elton
- Lulu & Keating, Ronan
- Lulu & McCartney, Paul
- Lulu & Mumba, Samantha
- Lulu & Pellow, Marti
- Lulu & Sting
- Lulu & Take That
- Lulu & the Luvvers
- Lulu & Westlife
- Lulu and the Lampshades
- Lulu and the Paige-Turners (Australian band)
- Lulu Belle & Scotty
- Lulú Jam!
- Lulu Rouge
- Lulu Rouge feat. Asbjørn
- Lulu Rouge feat. Carreri, Alice
- Lulu Rouge feat. Osk, Fanney
- Lulu Rouge feat. Tuco
- Lulu Santos, Claudia Leitte, Carlinhos Brown e Daniel
- Lulu Van Trapp
- Luluc
- LuLuYam
- LUM (Argentinian music producer, DJ, and performer based in Tulum, Mexico)
- LUMA (Slovenian group, EMA 2022 contestants)
- Luma (House music producer)
- Luman, Bob
- Lumaraa
- Lumbematz (Punkrock band from Saarland, Germany)
- Lumber Lung
- Lume
- Lume (Chicago, IL, USA – post rock band)
- LUME (Solo artist, UK, active from 2017 onwards)
- Lumen (Russian band)
- Lumen (Argentine Alternative rock band)
- Lumen, Bob (50s rockabilly)
- Lumen, Jay (Hungarian techno/house DJ & Producer)
- Lumen, Tom
- Lumenette (Christine Byrd)
- LUMER (British post-punk band)
- Lumidee
- Lumidee feat. Busta Rhymes & Fabolous
- Lumidee feat. Jones, Jim
- Lumidee feat. Juganot & Ortiz, Joell
- Lumidee feat. N.O.R.E.
- Lumidee feat. Pitbull
- Lumidee feat. R3ady
- Lumidee feat. Shaggy
- Lumidee feat. Snoop Dogg
- Lumiere (Irish duo of Pauline Scanlon and Éilís Kennedy)
- LUMIÈRE (Étienne Côté)
- Lumière, Jean (French singer)
- Luminaire
- Luminal (Italian rock band)
- Luminara Stellaris
- Luminaria (Psychedelic trance duo project based in Brazil & Portugal)
- Luminary (trance)
- Luminate (US band)
- Lumineers, The
- Luminescence (Marblehead high school group)
- Luminites
- Luminize
- Lumino
- Luminos
- Luminos (Christian music artist)
- Luminous (known as Gary B, participated in many Café Del Mar projects)
- Luminous (key track: Crystal Clear)
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