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- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Lanzug
- Lao (Lauro Robles / Latin bass music producer / NAAFI)
- Lao Che
- Lao Ra
- Lao Tizer Band
- LaOnda, Nico
- Laoni, Amay
- Laozi (video game music composer)
- Lap, Raimond
- Lapadat, David
- Lapalux
- Lapalux feat. JFDR
- Lapalux feat. Leatham, Kerry
- Lapalux feat. Szjerdene
- Lapcat
- Lapčenoks, Viktors
- Lapčenoks, Viktors & Bumbiere, Nora
- Lapdog (Modern Psychedelic Bossa Nova Band)
- Lapell, Abigail
- Lapelles, The
- Lapid, Lyn
- Lapido, José Ignacio
- Lapidus, Yara
- Lapillus (South Korean girl group)
- Lapingra (Italian synth-pop band)
- Lapinlahden Linnut
- Lapis (New Zealand electronic hip-hop)
- Lapis Lazuli (Swedish symphonic metal band)
- lapix
- lapix feat. Asaba, Kanae
- lapix feat. Curry, Nicole
- Lápiz Conciente (Dominican rapper)
- Lápiz Conciente feat. Musicólogo the Libro
- Lapko
- Laplage (Bruce Keen & Greg Musso, remix and production team from La Plage Records)
- Lapointe, Boby
- Lapointe, Éric
- Lapointe, Hugo
- Lapointe, Jean
- Lapointe, Pierre (Canadian singer-songwriter)
- Lapointe, Pierre & Laveaux, Mélissa
- Lapointe, Pierre & Luciani, Clara
- Lapointe, Pierre & MIKA
- Lapointe, Stéphanie
- Lappa, Rebecca
- Lappalainen (French Folk Metal band)
- Lappo, Egor
- lappy (vocal synths)
- Laprade, Serge
- LaPrelle, Elizabeth
- Lapse, The (late 90s US indie rock band)
- Lapsihymy
- Låpsley (English singer/songwriter/musician)
- Lapso Laps
- Lapsus Planck
- Lapsuus (Finnish punk band)
- Laptop
- laptop funeral
- Lapush
- Laputa (Japanese Rock Band)
- Lapwing
- Laquan
- Laque, La
- LaQuela Scaife
- laqueus (instrumental hip‐hop artist)
- Laquidara, Patrizia
- Lara (Turkish singer)
- Lara (Austrian singer Bianca Fuchs)
- Lara & Reyes
- Lara 303
- Lara D
- Lara Di Lara (Dilara Sakpınar)
- Lara Di Umbra
- Lara Hope and The Ark-Tones
- Lara Kadocsa
- Lara Li
- Lara Loft
- Lara Project
- Lara, Agustín
- Lara, Augustín
- Lara, Catherine (French violinist, composer, and singer)
- Lara, Dona Ivone
- Lara, Gustavo
- Lara, Jennifer
- Lara, Nil
- Lara's Laughter
- Lara91k
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