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- LuvLV
- LvLyd
- LydLyn
- LynLyo
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- Lonesome, Foghorn
- Lonesound
- Lonestar (US country band)
- Lonewolf (French metal band)
- lonewulf & Aroha
- Loney Dear (Swedish singer-songwriter Emil Svanängen)
- Loney, Nikki
- Long & Junior (Polskie disco polo)
- Long Beach Dub Allstars
- Long Beach Dub Allstars feat. Half Pint
- Long Beach Shortbus
- Long Beard
- Long Blondes, The
- Long Distance Calling
- Long Distance Runner (New Zealand screamo)
- Long Distances
- Long Escape, The
- Long Faces, The (UK band)
- Long Fin Killie
- Long Gone (pop/punk)
- Long Gone Blond (Maggie Maki)
- Long Island Quartet
- Long Knives (Indie punk band from Oakland, California)
- Long Lost Band, The
- Long Lost, The
- Long Losts, The
- Long Mama
- Long Neck (Jersey City, NJ band)
- Long Ryders, The
- Long Since Forgotten
- Long Sought Rest (Folk punk band from Olympia, WA)
- Long Story Short
- Long Tall Deb (Blues & Soul singer Deb Landolt)
- Long Tall Ernie and The Shakers
- Long Tall Jefferson (Swiss folk/singer-songwriter)
- Long Tall Texans, The
- Long Voyage Back
- Long Way Down (Pop punk from the Netherlands)
- Long Winters, The
- Long, Bishop Eddie Lee & New Birth Total Praise Choir
- Long, Bobby (R&B, Bobby Long & His Satelites, Bobby Long & The Dealers)
- Long, Bobby (British singer-songwriter)
- Long, Brice
- Long, Charles & Stereolab
- Long, Frederic Earl ‘Shorty’
- Long, Greg (US contemporary Christian artist)
- Long, Janna
- Long, Johnny (John Mark Long)
- Long, Mr. & Frauenarzt
- Long, Ralegh
- Long, Robert (Dutch singer/TV personality)
- Long, Robert & Unit Gloria
- Long, Vyvienne
- Longbeach
- Longcut, The
- Longest Johns, The
- LongestSoloEver (nerdcore metal artist Dean DiMarzo)
- Longet, Claudine
- Longfellow (1990s California Rock Band)
- Longfield, Sarah & Myriad
- Longhare
- Longines Symphonette
- Longing for Orpheus
- Longing, The (US Christian music band)
- Longley, Liz
- longliveadamariz
- LONGMAN (Japanese melodic punk band)
- Longman, Benjamin
- Longo, Robby (Belgian pop / country singer)
- Longomba, Awilo
- Longoria, Valerio
- Longpigs
- longriver
- Longshot, The (Billie Joe Armstrong)
- Longshots (hard rock band from Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Longstay
- longstoryshort (EDM DJ & producer Donald Skotnicki)
- Longthorne, Joe
- Longue Distance
- Longus Mongus
- Longview (UK rock band)
- Longview (US bluegrass band)
- Longwave
- LONIS & Little League
- LONIS & Mero, Jon
- Lonitseera
- Lonker See
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