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- Lennon, John & Plastic Ono Band
- Lennon, John & Plastic Ono Band
- Lennon, John & Plastic Ono Band
- Lennon, John & Plastic Ono Band with Little Big Horns, The & New York Philharmonic
- Lennon, John & Plastic Ono Band with New York Philharmonic
- Lennon, John & Plastic Ono Band, The with Elephant's Memory & Invisible Strings
- Lennon, John & Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band with Harlem Community Choir, The
- Lennon, John and Ono, Yoko / Plastic Ono Band with Elephant’s Memory and Invisible Strings
- Lennon, John and Ono, Yoko / Plastic Ono Band, The with Elephant's Memory and Invisible Strings
- Lennon, John and Plastic Ono Band
- Lennon, John and Plastic Ono Band (with New York Philharmonic)
- Lennon, John, McCartney, Paul
- Lennon, John/Plastic Ono Band
- Lennon, Julian
- Lennon, Sean
- Lennon, Sean feat. Hatori, Miho
- Lennox (Gabriel Enrique Pizarro, from Zion & Lennox)
- Lennox, Amy
- Lennox, Annie (Scottish singer-songwriter, member of Eurythmics and The Tourists)
- Lennox, Annie & Green, Al
- Lennox, Annie feat. Simon, Paul
- Lennox, Ari
- Lennox, Ari & Chlöe
- Lennox, Ari & Cole, J.
- Lennox, Ari & Walker, Summer
- Lennox, Ari feat. Lucky Daye
- Lennox, Corey
- Lennox, Richard
- Lenny (Czech singer)
- Lenny & De Wespen (Belgian band)
- Lenny code fiction
- Lenny Forgets
- Lenny K
- Lenny Lashley’s Gang of One
- Lenny Valentino
- Leño
- Leno & Lílian
- Lenoir, Finn
- Lenoir, Hubert
- Lenoir, Hubert feat. Banane, Bonnie
- Lenoir, J.B.
- Lenoir, Jean
- Lenores, The
- Lenorman, Gérard
- Lenorman, Gérard & Anggun
- Lenorman, Gérard & Arena, Tina
- Lenorman, Gérard & Chico & The Gypsies
- Lenorman, Gérard & Fiori, Patrick
- Lenorman, Gérard & Grégoire
- Lenorman, Gérard & Jonathan, Joyce
- Lenorman, Gérard & Maurane
- Lenorman, Gérard & Pagny, Florent
- Lenorman, Gérard & Shy’m
- Lenorman, Gérard & Tale of Voices
- Lenorman, Gérard & Vassili, Amaury
- Lenorman, Gérard & Voisine, Roch
- Lenorman, Gérard & Zaz
- Lenox (french hip-hop, reggae, soul singer)
- Lenox feat. Mazué, Ben
- Lenox, Johan (fka Johan)
- Lenparrot
- Lens
- Lens (Ellen Lewin UK jungle DJ)
- Lens, Amelie (Belgian techno DJ & producer)
- Lens, Nicholas (Belgian composer)
- Lensko
- Lenta, Tony
- Lentil
- Lentini, Stefano
- Lenton, George
- Lentra
- Lenxi (Producer / vocalist from The Netherlands)
- Leny (Christian music artist)
- Lenya, Lotte
- Lenya, Lotte, Weill, Kurt
- Lenz (German Pop Music Group)
- Lenz, Alev
- Lenz, Angela
- Lenz, Bethany Joy
- Lenz, Jack
- Lenz, Kim
- Lenz, Kim and the Jaguars
- Lenze & de Buam
- Lenzman (Dutch D&B producer & DJ)
- Lenzman feat. Children of Zeus
- Lenzman feat. DRS
- Lenzman feat. Riya
- Leo (Spanish singer, contestant from Operación Triunfo)
- Leo (Metal musician and producer aka Leo Moracchioli)
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