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- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Lightburn, Murray
- lightcraft
- Lighten Up, Francis
- Lighter Shade of Brown
- LightFly
- Lightfoils (Chicago, IL based dreampop/shoegaze group)
- Lightfoot, Gordon
- Lightfoot, Harry (production music)
- Lightfoot, Terra
- Lightforce
- LightForce (Australian Christian metal band)
- Lighthouse (Canadian rock/swing band)
- Lighthouse and the Whaler, The
- Lighthouse Family
- Lighthouse Project
- Lighthouse X (Danish pop group)
- Lighthouse, The (Belgian indiepop group)
- Lightlorn
- Lightman, Toby
- Lightnin’ Slim (blues)
- Lightning (US psychedelic rock band from Minneapolis)
- Lightning Beat-Man
- Lightning Bolt
- Lightning Bug (FatCat Records, single "Bobby")
- Lightning Dust (Canadian indie rock band)
- Lightning Head
- Lightning in a Twilight Hour
- Lightning Love
- Lightning Seeds, The
- Lightning Swords of Death
- Lightning Year, The
- Lightover
- Lightphaser
- Lights (Canadian indie/electropop singer-songwriter)
- Lights (British early 2000s rock band)
- Lights (Lights)
- Lights (Brooklyn, NY psychedelic rock band, now Cliffie Swan)
- LiGHTs
- Lights & Motion (Swedish post-rock artist)
- Lights A.M (appears on Face the Beat, Session 5)
- Lights And Sounds
- Lights feat. Cœur de pirate
- Lights feat. Dun, Josh
- Lights feat. Elohim
- Lights feat. Kiesza
- Lights feat. Owl City
- Lights Follow
- Lights Go Down
- Lights in a Fat City
- Lights of Euphoria (Jimmy Machon & Torben Schmidt)
- Lights of Euphoria feat. davaNtage
- Lights of Euphoria feat. Endanger
- Lights of Euphoria feat. God Module
- Lights of Euphoria feat. NamNamBulu
- Lights of Euphoria feat. Run Level Zero
- Lights of Euphoria feat. VNV Nation
- Lights Out (Romanian group)
- Lights Out (american punk)
- Lights Out Asia
- Lights Out, The (Boston rock band)
- Lights Over Paris
- Lights. Action!
- Lightscape (UK rock band)
- Lightsey, Kirk & Danko, Harold
- Lightshine
- Lightships (Gerard Love fronted Scottish band)
- Lightshow
- LightSkinKeisha
- LightSkinKeisha feat. Blac Youngsta
- LIGHTSPEED (Belgian indie rock band)
- Lightspeed Champion
- Lightsucker
- Lightworker (San Francisco metal band)
- Lightworker feat. McElroy, Laura
- Lightyear (UK ska punk band)
- Lightyears Explode, The
- Ligion (alt rock)
- Ligiro, Gale
- Ligisterna (punk)
- Lignell, Moa
- Ligula
- Liher
- LIHO (Belgian producer)
- Lihporcen (French black metal band)
- Liikanen, Erkki
- Liikanen, Erkki ja Pentikäinen, Tuire
- Liikkuva Laulureppu
- Liily
- Liim's (French Rapper)
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