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- LilLil
- LilLil
- LilLil
- LilLil
- LilLil
- LilLil
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- LinLin
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- LizLL
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- LogLoh
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- LonLon
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- LooLop
- LopLoq
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- LorLos
- LosLos
- LosLos
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- LovLov
- LovLov
- LovLov
- LovLow
- LowLOX
- LoxLTR
- LULuc
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- LucLuc
- LucLuc
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- LunLun
- LUNLus
- LusLuv
- LuvLuz
- LuzLyd
- Lydlyn
- LynLyo
- LyoLyy
- LyyLZR
- Loquillo
- Loquillo & Alaska
- Loquillo & Méndez, Sabino
- Loquillo & Nu Niles, The
- Loquillo con Hallyday, Johnny
- Loquillo Y Los Trogloditas
- Loquillo Y Los Trogloditas & Loquillo
- Loquillo y Trogloditas
- Loquillo y Trogloditas
- Loquillo y Trogloditas
- Loquillo y Trogloditas
- Loquillo, Calamaro, Andrés, Bunbury & Urrutia, Jaime
- LOR (Toronto Female Singer)
- Lor (Polish band)
- Lora, Alex
- Lora, DJ & MKM feat. Kwedjatey
- Lora, Mira
- Lorage
- Lorak, Ani
- Loran (Japanese band)
- Lorana (Belgian electropop artist Lorana Leclère)
- Lorax Singers, The
- Lorber, Alan, Orchestra
- Lorber, Jeff
- Lorber, Jeff & Wheeler, Audrey
- Lorber, Jeff feat. Benét, Eric
- Lorber, Jeff featuring Wheeler, Audrey
- Lorber, Jeff featuring White, Karyn
- Lorber, Jeff, Fusion
- Lorca (Spanish singer José Alfonso Lorca)
- Lorca (1990s euro house act, known for “Ritmo de la noche”)
- Lord (Hungarian rock band)
- LORD (Australian metal band)
- Lord & Lady
- Lord Aethelstan
- Lord and Master (pop and dance music producer)
- Lord and Master feat. Francis, Neil
- Lord Apex (UK rapper from London)
- Lord Belial
- Lord Creator
- Lord Divine (Argentinian Power Metal band)
- Lord Dying
- Lord Echo (aka Mike Fabulous)
- Lord Echo feat. Mara TK
- Lord Echo feat. Tomlins, Lisa
- Lord Enos (Rebound)
- Lord Est
- Lord Est feat. Mikael Gabriel
- Lord Est feat. Nygård, Petri
- Lord Felix
- Lord Finesse
- Lord Finesse & DJ Mike Smooth
- Lord Finesse & Smooth, Mike, DJ
- Lord Finesse feat. KRS‐One
- Lord Finesse feat. O.C.
- Lord Finesse feat. Percee P
- Lord Folter (German Rapper)
- Lord Gary
- Lord Gasp
- Lord Gore
- Lord High Fixers, The
- Lord Huron
- Lord Huron feat. Ponthier, Allison
- Lord Infamous
- Lord Infamous feat. Lil Jack & T-Rock
- Lord Infamous feat. Valtiel
- Lord Invader (calypso vocalist and songwriter)
- Lord Invader and His Calypso Group
- Lord Jamar
- Lord Jamar feat. RZA
- Lord Kael
- Lord Kitchener
- Lord Madness (Italian Hip-Hop)
- Lord Mantis
- Lord Nelson (soca artist Robert Nelson)
- Lord of Bass
- Lord of Confusion
- Lord of Shadows
- Lord of the Lost
- Lord of the Lost feat. Aicrag, Erk
- Lord of the Lost feat. Bischoff, Marcus
- Lord of the Lost feat. Blair, Doug
- Lord of the Lost feat. Blümchen
- Lord of the Lost feat. Frost, Joy
- Lord of the Lost feat. Goldmann, Ulrike
- Lord of the Lost feat. Heaven Can Wait Chor
- Lord of the Lost feat. Jiers, Nina
- Lord of the Lost feat. LaPlegua, Andy
- Lord of the Lost feat. Scarlet Dorn
- Lord of the Lost feat. Schulz, Der & Aicrag, Erk
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