- GG
- GG
- GGaa
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- GabGAC
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- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
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- GavGay
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- GilGil
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- GodGod
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- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
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- GriGri
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- GrGri
- GriGr
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- GroGro
- GroGr
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- GueGui
- GuiGul
- GulGun
- Gungup
- GUPGus
- GusGut
- GutGuy
- GuyGwi
- GwiGZA
- GzuGzu
- Greendjohn
- Greene, Adam Ross (UK Singer Songwriter/Artist)
- Greene, Buddy
- Greene, Dodo
- Greene, Ellen
- Greene, Everett (vocalist, narrator, actor)
- Greene, Jack (country singer-songwriter)
- Greene, Jackie
- Greene, Jacques (Canadian house DJ/producer)
- Greene, Jeremy (Producer also known as "JAYSOLO")
- Greene, Jessy
- Greene, Layton
- Greene, Logan
- Greene, Lorne
- Greene, Maurice (baroque composer)
- Greene, Susaye
- Greene, Ted
- Greener, Melissa (Folk musician)
- Greenery, The
- Greenes, The
- Greenface (Swiss rapper)
- greenface (Japanese beatmaker)
- Greenfield & Cook
- Greenfield, Sam
- Greenfinch (lo‐fi beatmaker)
- Greengoat
- Greenhaven DJs
- Greenhorn (doom sludge band from UK)
- Greenhornes, The
- Greenhornes, The feat. Golightly, Holly
- Greenhorns
- Greenhouse (US hip hop group, aka Greenhouse Effect)
- Greenhouse (Australian Indie Rock)
- Greenhouse Effect (US hip-hop group)
- Greenhouse feat. Murs
- Greenidge, Robert
- Greeninger, Keith (singer/songwriter)
- Greenland Whalefishers
- Greenland, Kerrie Anne
- Greenleaf (Swedish stoner rock band)
- Greenleaf, Diunna
- Greenleafs, The
- Greenly, Fiona
- GreenMatthews
- Greenough, Ned
- Greenrose Faire
- Greens On Toast
- Greenseeker
- GreenShape (French folk singer)
- Greenskeepers
- Greenskeepers featuring Colette
- Greensky Bluegrass
- Greenslade (an English progressive rock band)
- Greenslade, Dave
- Greenstein, Judd (US contemporary classical composer)
- Greentea Peng
- Greentea Peng feat. Simmy & Kid Cruise
- Greentop (indie band from Minnesota)
- Greenville Massive
- Greenway, Jeff Alan
- Greenwheel
- Greenwich, Ellie
- Greenwich, Sonny, Jr
- Greenwood (brass-heavy funk band based in Honolulu in the 1970s, associated with Forest in Leaf Records)
- Greenwood, John (Australian artist)
- Greenwood, Jonny (English musician and score composer)
- Greenwood, Lee
- Greenwood, Lee (Duet With Bogguss, Suzy)
- Greenwood, Lee (Duet with Tucker, Tanya)
- Greenwood, Melody
- Greenwood, Thomas (North-Italy based Songwriter)
- Greep, Geordie
- Greer
- Greer, Andrew
- Greer, Andrew with Isaacs, Sonya
- Greer, Big John
- Greer, Jim & The Mac-O-Chee Valley Folks
- Greer, Joey
- Greet Death
- Greet the Sea
- Greeting Committee, The
- Greeting Committee, The feat. flipturn
- Greetings, The (Albany, NY rock band)
- Greezy, Ball
- Greg & Steve
- Greg Alone
- Greg Anderson (Singer-Songwriter)
- Greg Arcade
- Greg Bounce