- GG
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- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
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- GodGod
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- GolGol
- GolG
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- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
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- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
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- GrGri
- GriGr
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- GulGun
- Gungup
- GUPGus
- GusGut
- GutGuy
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- GwiGZA
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- Gallery (US soft rock band/1970s)
- Gallery Circus (Active in the UK 2010 - Present)
- Gallery of Mites
- Gallery, The (German gothic/alt metal)
- Gallery, The (New England band)
- Gallet, Evelyne
- Galletta, Natale
- Gallhammer
- Gallia (Belgian symphonic metal band)
- Galliano (London acid jazz group)
- Galliano, Richard
- Galliard
- Galliers, Ben
- Gallin, Stanislav
- Gallipoli
- Gallo, Adrien
- Gallo, Kinski
- Gallo, Ron
- Gallo, Ron & Santa Chiara
- Gallo, Vincent
- Galloglaigh
- Gallon Drunk (punk blues, noise rock, garage rock, rockabilly, UK)
- Gallon, Pierre (harpsichordist)
- Gallons, Nesey
- Gallop, Martin
- Galloway Madison (Canadian rock)
- Galloway, David (lead vocals of Element Eighty)
- Gallowayyys (Houston based artist)
- Gallowmere
- Gallows (UK hardcore punk band)
- Gallows End
- Gallows High
- Gallows Hymn
- Galluccio, Lo
- Gallus (Scottish indie rock band)
- Gallya
- Galmes, Graciela (Christian music artist)
- Galneryus
- Galo DC
- Galo, Gustavo
- Galoić, Branko
- Galope, Eleazar James
- Galope, Eleazar James feat. Ramirez, Lexter
- Galore, Chloe
- Galos, Los
- Galou, Jacky
- Galpão, Grupo
- Galper, Hal
- Galper, Hal, Quintet, The
- Gals and Pals
- Gals Panic
- Galtzagorriak
- Galucki, Andrew (aka Lofthill)
- Galva‐Nice
- Galván, Los
- Galván, Manolo
- Galvanized Souls
- Galvano
- Galvão, Irmãs
- Galvatrons, The
- Gálvez, Vetto
- Galvin, Dylan
- Galvin, Elliot
- Galwaro, LIZOT & Ponte, Gabry
- Galway, James (flautist)
- Galway, James & Chieftains, The
- Galway, James & Coulter, Phil
- Galway, James, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Gerhardt, Charles
- Galway, James, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Measham, David
- Galyon, Nicolle (country singer–songwriter, former contestant on The Voice season 2)
- GAM (Japanese / Hello! Project)
- Gam's, Les
- Gama
- Gama Bomb (thrash band from Ireland)
- Gama Boonta (french rap)
- Gambafreaks
- Gambafreaks feat. Nicole
- Gambale, Frank
- Gambale, Frank, Hamm, Stuart & Smith, Steve
- Gambandé, Facundo, Blanco, Jorge, Garnier, Nicolas, Velilla, Rodirigo & Nascimento, Samuel
- Gambarini, Roberta (Italian jazz singer)
- Gambarini, Roberta & Jones, Hank
- Gambeta (Colombian rapper, member of Alcolirykoz)
- Gambetta, Beppe
- Gambi
- Gambi (French rapper)
- Gambi, Letizia
- Gambino (FRANCE RAP)
- Gambino Dani (Greek rapper)