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- GraGra
- GraGra
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- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
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- GreGre
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- GuiGUM
- GUMGun
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- GurGus
- GusGut
- GutGuy
- GuyGyl
- GylGzu
- Gil, Gilberto, Bethânia, Maria & Veloso, Caetano
- Gil, Gilberto, Frenéticas, As & Trio Elétrico Dodô e Osmar
- Gil, Joe
- Gil, Lucía
- Gil, Miquel
- Gil, Nikki
- Gil, Preta
- Gil, Preta feat. Ana Carolina
- Gilbert (Austrian Schlager singer Gilbert Soukopf)
- Gilbert & Sullivan (deprecated—see annotation)
- Gilbert & Sullivan
- Gilbert, Brantley
- Gilbert, Brantley & Cooke, Ashley
- Gilbert, Brantley feat. Aldean, Jason
- Gilbert, Brantley feat. Ford, Colt
- Gilbert, Brantley feat. Moore, Justin & Rhett, Thomas
- Gilbert, Brantley feat. Moore, Justin and Rhett, Thomas
- Gilbert, Brantley feat. T.I.
- Gilbert, Brantley featuring Aldean, Jason
- Gilbert, Brian David
- Gilbert, D.L.
- Gilbert, Daniel
- Gilbert, Jim
- Gilbert, Kevin (singer–songwriter)
- Gilbert, Paul (hard rock/heavy metal guitarist; Mr. Big, Racer X, etc.)
- Gilbert, Paul & Kidd, Jimi
- Gilbert, Paul & Nelson, Freddie
- Gilbert, Vance
- Gilbert, W.S. & Sullivan, Arthur
- Gilberto & Adriano
- Gilberto & Gilmar
- Gilberto, Astrud
- Gilberto, Astrud & Baker, Chet
- Gilberto, Astrud & Wanderley, Walter
- Gilberto, Astrud and Wanderley, Walter
- Gilberto, Astrud with Getz, Stan
- Gilberto, Astrud with Turrentine, Stanley
- Gilberto, Bebel
- Gilberto, Bebel & Jorge, Seu
- Gilberto, Bebel feat. Orquestra Imperial
- Gilberto, João (Brazilian bossa nova guitarist, singer, and composer)
- Gilberto, João & Gilberto, Astrud
- Gilberto, João & Jobim, Antônio Carlos
- Gilberto, João feat. Jobim, Antônio Carlos
- Gilberto, João, Bethânia, Maria, Veloso, Caetano, Gil, Gilberto
- Gilberto, João, Gilberto, Astrud, Getz, Stan & Burton, Gary
- Gilberto, João, Gilberto, Astrud, Jobim, Antônio Carlos & Getz, Stan
- Gilberto, João, Trio
- Gilberto, João, Veloso, Caetano & Gil, Gilberto
- Gilchrist, Maeve
- Gilda (Argentinian singer-songwriter)
- Gilda (Kallonen, Finnish singer)
- Gilde Duo
- Gilded Age (Hardcore/Screamo from Portland)
- Gilded Lily
- Gildenlöw, Daniel
- Gildenlöw, Kristoffer
- Gilder, Nick
- Gilder, Nick and Machine, Time
- Gildo, Rex (German actor and schlager singer)
- Gile, Amar (Bosnian Signer)
- Gilead (Christian/soft pop)
- Gilead (medieval/folk band from Tyumen, Russia)
- Gileah & Ghost Train, The
- Gilels, Emil (pianist)
- Giles (Singer of Between The Buried And Me)
- Giles, Caleb
- Giles, Giles & Fripp
- Giles, Ian, Spiers, John, Boden, Jon & Metcalfe, Graham
- Giles, Thomas (American musician)
- Giles, Thomas (English composer active in 16th and 17th centuries)
- Giles, Winston
- Gilewitz, Richard
- Gilfema
- Gilfillian, Devon (Singer songwriter)
- Gilfillian, Devon feat. Janice
- Gilfillian, Devon feat. Joseph
- Gilgamesh (English prog band)
- Gilipojazz
- Gilkyson, Eliza
- Gilkyson, Terry
- Gilkyson, Terry & Easy Riders, The
- Gill
- Gill, Aastha feat. Badshah
- Gill, Amrinder (Punjabi singer, songwriter & actor)
- Gill, Gurinder (Punjabi Singer)
- Gill, Hannah (New York City big band/jazz singer)
- Gill, Jassie
- Gill, Jassie & Goyal, Shipra
- Gill, Johnny