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- Gill, Vince & Franklin, Paul
- Gill, Vince & Grant, Amy
- Gill, Vince & Knight, Gladys
- Gill, Vince & Loveless, Patty
- Gill, Vince feat. Anderson, John
- Gill, Vince feat. Bramlett, Bekka
- Gill, Vince feat. Cam
- Gill, Vince feat. Clark, Guy
- Gill, Vince feat. Crow, Sheryl
- Gill, Vince feat. Crowell, Rodney
- Gill, Vince feat. Crowell, Rodney & Pedersen, Herb
- Gill, Vince feat. Elam, Katrina
- Gill, Vince feat. Everly, Phil
- Gill, Vince feat. Gill, Janis
- Gill, Vince feat. Gill, Janis & Pedersen, Herb
- Gill, Vince feat. Gill, Jenny
- Gill, Vince feat. Grant, Amy
- Gill, Vince feat. Harris, Emmylou
- Gill, Vince feat. Harris, Emmylou & Jackson, Carl
- Gill, Vince feat. Harris, Emmylou & Raitt, Bonnie
- Gill, Vince feat. Howard, Rebecca Lynn
- Gill, Vince feat. Krall, Diana
- Gill, Vince feat. Krauss, Alison
- Gill, Vince feat. Krauss, Alison & Tyminski, Dan
- Gill, Vince feat. Krauss, Alison & Union Station
- Gill, Vince feat. Little Big Town
- Gill, Vince feat. Loveless, Patty
- Gill, Vince feat. McCoury, Del
- Gill, Vince feat. McCoury, Del, Band, The
- Gill, Vince feat. McDonald, Michael
- Gill, Vince feat. McEntire, Reba
- Gill, Vince feat. Raitt, Bonnie
- Gill, Vince feat. Rimes, LeAnn
- Gill, Vince feat. Sweethearts of the Rodeo
- Gill, Vince feat. Time Jumpers, The
- Gill, Vince feat. Wilson, Gretchen
- Gill, Vince feat. Womack, Lee Ann
- Gill, Vince feat. Yearwood, Trisha
- Gill, Vince with Cash, Rosanne
- Gill, Vince with McEntire, Reba
- Gill, Zach
- Gilla
- Gilla Band (formerly Girl Band)
- Gillam, Jess (saxophonist)
- Gillan
- Gillan, Ian
- Gillan, Ian & Glover, Roger
- Gillan, Ian & Iommi, Tony
- Gillan, Ian feat. Gers, Janick
- Gillan, Ian feat. Iommi, Tony, Glover, Roger & Paice, Ian
- Gillan, Ian feat. Satriani, Joe
- Gillan, Ian, Band
- Gillan, Ian, Doggett, Alan
- Gillan, Ian, Wakeman, Rick & Howe, Steve
- Gillard, Doug
- Gillbanks
- Gillen, Ray
- Gilles (Swiss composer/vocalist/actor Jean Villard Gilles)
- Gilles et Julien
- Gilles et Urfer
- Gilles Peterson’s Havana Cultura Band
- Gilles Vigneault & Les Charbonniers de l'enfer
- Gilles, Samantha (Belgian 1980/90s vocalist)
- Gillespi (Argentine trumpeter)
- Gillespie, Aaron (singer/drummer in Underoath)
- Gillespie, Bobby & Beth, Jehnny
- Gillespie, Dana
- Gillespie, Dizzy
- Gillespie, Dizzy & Parker, Charlie
- Gillespie, Dizzy and Getz, Stan
- Gillespie, Dizzy and His Orchestra
- Gillespie, Dizzy Quintet
- Gillespie, Dizzy, Big Band
- Gillespie, Dizzy, Jazzmen
- Gillespie, Dizzy, Sextet
- Gillespie, Haven
- Gillespie, James (Singer-Songwriter)
- Gillespie, Mark (English singer)
- Gillespie, Wayne
- Gillett, Scout
- Gillette
- Gillette, Eric
- Gillette, Steve
- Gilley, Mickey
- Gilli (Danish Rapper)
- Gilli feat. Benny Jamz
- Gilli feat. Branco
- Gilli feat. KESI