- GG
- GG
- GGaa
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- GarGar
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- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGAS
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- GlaGLD
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- gliGlo
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- GolGol
- GolGol
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- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
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- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
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- GriGri
- GriGri
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- GroGro
- GroGro
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- GuiGUM
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- GurGus
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- GutGuy
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- GylGzu
- Great Big Planes
- Great Big Sea
- Great Big World, A
- Great Big World, A & Aguilera, Christina
- Great Big World, A & Mraz, Jason
- Great Big World, A feat. Aguilera, Christina
- Great Big World, A feat. Futuristic
- Great Bloomers
- Great British Barbershop Boys, The
- Great British Jazz Band, The
- Great Buildings
- Great Caesar (Brooklyn-based chamber rock sextet; loud guitars with brilliant brass)
- Great Collapse (US melodic hardcore)
- Great Commission, The
- Great Communicators, The (Dutch pop-rock band)
- Great Crusades, The
- Great Cynics
- Great Dane
- Great Deceiver, The
- Great Dictators, The
- Great Discord, The
- Great Divide, The
- Great Divide, The (5 piece hardcore band from Paris, France)
- Great Electric Quest, The
- Great empty
- Great Escape, The (Stoner rock band from Germany)
- Great Escape, The (wearethegreatescape)
- Great Fiction, The
- Great Gable
- Great Gonzo, The (Muppet character)
- Great Good Fine Ok
- Great Good Fine Ok & Before You Exit
- Great Good Fine Ok & Burns, Emily
- Great Grandpa
- Great Guitars, The
- Great Heights Band, The
- Great Jazz Trio, The
- GREAT JOY (Indie/punk from Amsterdam)
- Great Kat, The
- Great King Rat (Swedish hard rock)
- Great Lake Swimmers (Canadian folk rock band)
- Great Lakes Myth Society
- Great Leslie, The
- Great Malarkey, The
- Great Master
- Great Minds
- Great Mountain Fire (Belgian indie band)
- Great Northern (US rock band)
- Great Northwest, The
- Great Old Ones, The (Lovecraftian black metal band)
- Great Old Ones, The (side project of Raffaele Pezzella)
- Great Pagans
- Great Park Avenue
- Great Park, The
- Great Peacock
- Great Plains (80s band from Ohio)
- Great Romance, The
- Great Scots, The
- Great Society, The (60s San Francisco rock band with Grace Slick)
- Great Spy Experiment, The
- Great Thunder (Philadelphia band)
- Great Time (Philadelphia mixed genre trio)
- Great Valley, The
- Great White (US hard rock band)
- Great White Buffalo
- Great Wide North
- Great Wide Nothing
- Great Wight
- Great Wolf
- Great Worship Songs Praise Band
- Greater Vision (Southern Gospel Music)
- greaterthanu (chiptunes)
- Greatest Bits, The (video game music DJ)
- Greatest Deejay
- Greatest Show on Earth, The
- Greatest Showman Ensemble, The (fake artist, to be purged)
- Greatest Showman Ensemble, The
- Greatfire of Rome, The
- GreatGuys (South Korean boy group)
- Greatness
- Greatness Design, The
- Greatness Design, The feat. Terrazas‐González, Adrián
- Greaty
- Greaves, John
- Greaves, John, Blegvad, Peter, Herman, Lisa
- Greaves, R.B.
- Greb, Benny
- Grebe, Rainald
- Grebenshikov, Boris