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- GulGun
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- GutGuy
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- Glasper, Robert, The, Trio
- Glasperlenspiel
- Glasperlenspiel & Harris & Ford
- Glasperlenspiel feat. As, Ali
- Glasperlenspiel feat. Summer Cem
- Glasperlenspiel x Moe Phoenix
- Glaspy, Margaret
- GLASS (London duo)
- Glass America
- Glass Angel
- Glass Animals
- Glass Animals & Curry, Denzel
- Glass Animals feat. Parks, Arlo
- Glass Animals feat. Watson, Chester
- Glass Apple Bonzai
- glass beach
- Glass Beads, The
- Glass Beams
- Glass Bottle, The
- Glass Candy
- Glass Candy and the Shattered Theatre
- Glass Casket
- Glass Castles (Chicago solo artist)
- Glass Caves
- Glass Child, The (Swedish singer-songwriter Charlotte Eriksson)
- Glass Cloud
- Glass Crown
- Glass Echoes
- Glass Family, The (2000s Austin indie rock band)
- Glass Family, The (US '60s psychedelic rock band/later 70s disco group)
- Glass Girls, The (Thai girl group)
- Glass Hammer
- Glass Hands
- Glass Harp
- Glass Heart (Welsh post-hardcore band)
- Glass House, The
- Glass Intrepid
- Glass Mind
- Glass Moon
- Glass Ocean (Australian band)
- Glass Pear
- Glass Petals
- Glass Prism (American psychedelic rock band)
- Glass Spells
- Glass Tides
- Glass Tiger
- Glass Towers
- Glass Vaults (New Zealand shoegaze)
- Glass, Alice
- Glass, Ani
- Glass, Charlie
- Glass, Jennifer
- Glass, Philip (US composer & pianist)
- Glass, Philip, Ensemble (US musical group by composer Philip Glass)
- Glass, Philip, Ensemble with Dunkel, Paul Lustig, Fowler, Bernard & Riesman, Michael
- Glass, Philip, Ensemble with Ma, Yo‐Yo
- Glass, The (rock band from Memphis, Tennessee)
- Glass, Todd
- Glassbone
- GlassByrd
- glasse (US composer/producer and visual artist)
- glasse feat. Slyleaf
- glasse feat. xia
- Glasseater
- Glasser
- Glasses Malone (LA rapper)
- Glasses Malone feat. Akon
- Glasses Malone feat. Lamar, Kendrick
- glasshead
- Glasshouse, This Is the
- Glassio
- Glassjaw
- Glasslands
- Glassmouth
- Glasspack, The
- Glasswork (progressive rock band from Málaga, Spain)
- Glasvegas
- Glatt, Ezra
- Glaucs
- Glaude, Donald
- Glaukoma
- Glauque (Belgian hip-hop group)
- Glaxo Babies
- GLAY (rock band)
- Glaze (electronic musician, AKA WoodenToaster)
- Glaze (Austin indie rock band)
- Glaze
- Glaze, Gil
- Glaze, Ruby & McTell, Blind Willie
- Glazed (Florida pop-punk band)