- GG
- GG
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- GabGAB
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- GaiGak
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- GalGal
- GalGal
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- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
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- GenGen
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- GhoGho
- GhoGho
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- ghoGia
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- GibGib
- GibGig
- GigGil
- GilGil
- GilGil
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- GirGiu
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- GLAGla
- GlaGLD
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- GlyGo
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- GodGod
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- GolGol
- GolGol
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- GooGoo
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- GorGor
- GorGos
- GosGot
- GotGov
- GovGra
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- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
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- GreGre
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- GroGro
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- GueGui
- GuiGul
- GulGun
- GunGup
- GurGus
- GusGut
- GutGuy
- GuyGWL
- GwGzu
- GzuGzu
- Gio, Lazza (Belgian lo-fi hip-hop artist)
- gio. (Christian rapper)
- Gioconda, Pete
- Gioeli-Castronovo (Johnny Gioeli and Deen Castronovo)
- Gioeli, Johnny
- Giofrè, Giuseppe
- Giohm
- Gioia, Tony (Italian IDM artist)
- Giolì & Assia (EDM duo)
- Gion Stump & The Lighthouse Project
- Gionathan
- Gionathan & Neja
- GionnyScandal
- Giordani, Giuseppe
- Giordani, Layton (techno)
- Giordani, Layton x Tiga x Audion
- Giordani, Tommaso
- Giordano, Filippa (classic crossover singer)
- Giordano, Filippa feat. Hadley, Tony
- Giordano, Umberto (Italian opera composer)
- Giorgi, Paul
- Giorgi, Paul feat. Amati, Davide
- Giorgia (Italian singer Giorgia Todrani)
- Giorgia & Mengoni, Marco
- Giorgia con Daniele, Pino
- Giorgia con Fiorello
- Giorgia con Keating, Ronan
- Giorgia con Mina
- Giorgia feat. Hancock, Herbie
- Giorgia feat. Keys, Alicia
- Giorgia feat. Murs, Olly
- Giorgia feat. Ramazzotti, Eros
- Giorgieness
- Giorgio
- Giorgio Moroder Projekt, The
- Giorgos Zampetas (Greek musician known for his talent with the bouzouki)
- GiorniTristi
- Giosada
- Giovagnini, Valentina
- Giovana
- Giovanardi, Mauro Ermanno
- Giovanardi, Mauro Ermanno & Sinfonico Honolulu
- Giovanca
- giovane shotacon
- Giovani Cidreira
- Giovanni
- Giovanni (Venezuelan child singer)
- Giovanni (Hungarian musician)
- Giovanni D'Anzi (bbbb)
- Giovanni Ti Amo (Italian singer)
- Giovanni y su equipo escoltado
- Giovanni, Nikki
- Giovanni, Paul
- Giovannie and the Hired Guns
- Giovannini, Rudy
- Gippeul
- Gips (Rappeur français)
- Gips, Captain
- Gips, Captain feat. Atari, Ira
- Gips, Captain feat. Curry, Marie
- Gips, Captain feat. Kolya
- Gipsy & Queen (Time Records Italo-Disco/Eurobeat project)
- Gipsy Casual
- Gipsy Kings
- Gipsy.cz
- Gipsyland
- Gir, Piney
- Gira, Michael
- Girac, Kendji
- Girac, Kendji & Basset, Marine
- Girac, Kendji & Capéo, Claudio
- Girac, Kendji & Dadju
- Girac, Kendji & Gims
- Girac, Kendji & Naps
- Girac, Kendji & Pagny, Florent
- Girac, Kendji & Soolking
- Girac, Kendji & Soprano
- Girac, Kendji & Vianney
- Girac, Kendji feat. Soprano
- Giraffage
- Giraffage & Bess, Angelica
- Giraffage & Japanese Breakfast
- Giraffage & Matosic
- Giraffe Squad
- Giraffe Tongue Orchestra
- Giraffenaffen Band, Die
- Giraffenaffen Gang
- Giraffes, The (Punk/Metal/Alternative band from Brooklyn)
- Giraffes? Giraffes!
- Girard, Chuck