- GG
- GG
- GGaa
- GaaGab
- GabGAC
- GaGai
- GaiGal
- GalGal
- GalGal
- GalGam
- GamGam
- GamGam
- GamGan
- GanGan
- GanGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGas
- GasGat
- GatGat
- GatGav
- GavGay
- GazGed
- GedGel
- GelGen
- GENGen
- GenGen
- GenGeo
- GeoGeo
- GeoGer
- GerGes
- GesGet
- GetGFM
- GFOGhe
- GheGho
- GhoGho
- GhoGho
- GhoGia
- GiaGib
- GibGib
- GibGif
- GifGil
- GilGil
- GilGil
- GilGim
- GimGin
- GinGir
- Girgir
- GirGiu
- GiuGla
- GlaGla
- GlaGla
- GlaGli
- GliGlo
- GloGlo
- GloGly
- GoGod
- GodGod
- GodGoi
- GoiGol
- GolGol
- GolGol
- GolGol
- GolG
- GGon
- GonGoo
- GooGoo
- GooGoo
- GooG
- GGor
- GorGor
- GorGor
- GG
- GGou
- GouG
- GozGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGri
- GriGri
- GriGr
- GrGri
- GriGr
- GrGro
- GroGro
- GroGr
- GruGru
- GruGry
- GryGua
- GuaGuc
- GucGuc
- GucGuc
- GucGu
- GuGue
- GueGue
- GueGui
- GuiGul
- GulGun
- Gungup
- GUPGus
- GusGut
- GutGuy
- GuyGwi
- GwiGZA
- GzuGzu
- GEN.KLOUD (EDM artist KLOUD's split project for older works)
- Gen1es
- Genaside II
- Genauer, Reid
- Genç Osman
- Genç, Figen
- Gencab
- Gencebay, Orhan
- Gencebay, Orhan & Can, Sibel
- Genco Puro & Co.
- Gendarmes, Les
- Gendel, Sam
- Gendel, Sam feat. Ndegeocello, Meshell
- Gender Envy (British Pop-punk band)
- Gender Roles
- Genders (Alternative band from Portland, OR)
- Gendron, Myriam (Canadian singer-songwriter)
- GENE (Japanese R&B)
- Gene (UK alternative rock quartet)
- Gene & Debbe
- Gene & Eunice
- Gene Dunlap (drums)
- Gene Dunlap Band, The
- gene for fate
- Gene Krupa Trio
- Gene Loves Jezebel
- Gene Newton
- Gene The Werewolf
- Gene, Navier (Former solo project of Eddi Pickard, now a 3 piece line up)
- Genealogy
- Gener
- Gener 8
- Generacija 5 (Generacija 5 is a Serbian and former Yugoslav hard rock band.)
- Generación 12 (Christian music group)
- Generación 12 feat. D’Clario, Christine
- Generación Suicida (punk band from Los Angeles)
- Generál (70s Hungarian classic rock band)
- General Base
- General Degree
- General Echo
- General Elektriks
- General Ghost
- General Knas (Ivan Olausson Klatil)
- General Luna
- General Marcus (Reggae Artist)
- General Midi
- General Midnight (Grungy Desert Rock)
- General Mumble (UK EDM producer, Brony)
- General Mumble feat. Ariah
- General Mumble feat. ʝennifur
- General Paz, El & Triple Frontera, La
- General Public
- General Surgery
- General Tso's Fury (Punk band from Jacksonville, Florida)
- General Woo
- General, El (Edgardo Armando Franco, panamanian artist)
- generaladmin
- Generals, The (Sweden)
- Generasion
- Generation (Manchester Punk Rock)
- Generation Axe
- Generation Disco
- Génération Goldman, Pokora, M. & Tal
- Generation Kill
- Generation Lossless
- Generation Radio
- Generation Simulation
- Generation Unleashed
- Generation X (English post‐punk band aka “Gen X”)
- Generation Z
- Generation.F
- Generationals
- Generations (Swiss jazz band)
- Generator (Slovenian band)
- Generator, The
- Generators, The
- Generdyn
- Generichrist
- Generifus
- Generous Maria
- GENES (Brisbane, Australia female pop singer)
- GENES (London electronic artist)
- Genesis (English rock band)
- Genesis (obscure American progressive rock band)
- Genesis Elijah
- Genesis Fawn
- Genesis Project