- GG
- GG
- GGaa
- GaaGab
- GabGAC
- GaGai
- GaiGal
- GalGal
- GalGal
- GalGam
- GamGam
- GamGam
- GamGan
- GanGan
- GanGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGar
- GarGas
- GasGat
- GatGat
- GatGav
- GavGay
- GazGed
- GedGel
- GelGen
- GENGen
- GenGen
- GenGeo
- GeoGeo
- GeoGer
- GerGes
- GesGet
- GetGFM
- GFOGhe
- GheGho
- GhoGho
- GhoGho
- GhoGia
- GiaGib
- GibGib
- GibGif
- GifGil
- GilGil
- GilGil
- GilGim
- GimGin
- GinGir
- Girgir
- GirGiu
- GiuGla
- GlaGla
- GlaGla
- GlaGli
- GliGlo
- GloGlo
- GloGly
- GoGod
- GodGod
- GodGoi
- GoiGol
- GolGol
- GolGol
- GolGol
- GolG
- GGon
- GonGoo
- GooGoo
- GooGoo
- GooG
- GGor
- GorGor
- GorGor
- GG
- GGou
- GouG
- GozGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGra
- GraGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
- GreGre
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- GriGri
- GriGr
- GrGri
- GriGr
- GrGro
- GroGro
- GroGr
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- GruGry
- GryGua
- GuaGuc
- GucGuc
- GucGuc
- GucGu
- GuGue
- GueGue
- GueGui
- GuiGul
- GulGun
- Gungup
- GUPGus
- GusGut
- GutGuy
- GuyGwi
- GwiGZA
- GzuGzu
- Glier, Seth
- Glière, Reinhold Moritzevich
- Glimmer
- Glimmer of Blooms
- glimmers
- Glimmers, The (Belgian DJ & production duo)
- Glimmers, The present Disko Drunkards
- Glimt
- glinka state choir of st. petersburg
- Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (Russian composer)
- Glinn, Lillian
- Glint (NY Rock band)
- Glints (Belgian project of Jan Maarschalk Lemmens)
- Glis (US electronic music)
- Glišić, Dado (Serbian pop singer)
- Gliss (Los Angeles indie rock/shoegazer band)
- Glisten
- Glisz
- Glitbiter
- Glitch Gum
- Glitch Mob, The
- Glitch Mob, The (feat. Ambré)
- Glitch Mob, The (feat. Elohim)
- Glitch Mob, The (feat. Rituals of Mine)
- Glitch Mob, The (feat. Tula)
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Ambré
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Elohim
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Metal Mother
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Rituals of Mine
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Sister Crayon
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Swan
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Tula
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Volkman, Aja
- Glitch Mob, The feat. Yaarrohs
- glitchery
- GlitchGamers
- GlitchxCity
- Glitter Band, The
- Glitter Band, The feat. Glitter, Gary
- Glitter Party (Sam Cohen, indie-pop)
- Glitter Shop, The
- Glitter Wizard
- Glitter, Gary
- Glitterati, The
- Glitterboys, The
- Glitterbust
- Glitterer
- Glitterfox (portland based indie band)
- Glittermouse
- Glittertind
- Glixen
- GLK (french rap)
- GLK & Dystinct
- GLK & Heuss l’enfoiré
- GLK, Landy, DA Uzi & Hornet La Frappe
- GLK, Soolking & Koba LaD
- Glo (Canadian alternative rock band from Montreal)
- Glo (Hampshire-based rock band)
- Gloaming, The
- Global AzN
- Global Cee
- Global Citizen
- Global Communication
- Global Cult feat. Dashius Clay
- Global Dan (Rapper)
- Global Dan & Global AzN
- Global Dan feat. Global AzN
- Global Dan feat. Global Dell
- Global Deejays
- Global Deejays & Gogh, van, Niels
- Global Deejays Feat Rozalla
- Global Deejays feat. Corr, Ida
- Global Deejays feat. Gogh, van, Niels
- Global Deejays feat. Rozalla
- Global Deejays feat. Technotronic
- Global Journey
- Global Kryner
- Global Kryner versus Rounder Girls, The
- Global Mind
- Global Stage Orchestra
- Global Threat, A
- Global, Descenso
- GlobalWaveSystem
- globe (Japanese dance-pop group)
- Globelamp
- Globes, The
- Globetroddas, The
- Globetrotters, The (Polish music group, playing in the genres of jazz, funky and world music)
- Globi