- rR
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- RajRal
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- RamRam
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- RanRap
- RapRap
- RapRar
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- Razrea
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- RubRub
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- RufRui
- RuiRum
- RumRun
- RunRun
- RunRus
- RusRus
- RusRus
- RusRvs
- RvsRya
- RyaRym
- RynRZO
- Robinson, Doc
- Robinson, Earl (40s US folk artist)
- Robinson, Earl (US house/techno vocalist)
- Robinson, Ed (reggae singer)
- Robinson, Emily Scott
- Robinson, Eric (conductor)
- Robinson, Fenton
- Robinson, Frederic (German drum & bass producer)
- Robinson, Frederic feat. Juniper, Lily
- Robinson, Glenn
- Robinson, Hannah (singer-songwriter from Dorset)
- Robinson, Harry (UK composer/arranger/bandleader)
- Robinson, Janice (US house/RnB/pop singer/songwriter)
- Robinson, Jay (Welsh house producer)
- Robinson, Jessica (Canadian country singer)
- Robinson, Jimmie Lee (US blues musician)
- Robinson, Joe (blues guitarist)
- Robinson, John (US producer/rapper Lil' Sci)
- Robinson, Lewis
- Robinson, Malcolm
- Robinson, Miles Benjamin Anthony
- Robinson, Neal
- Robinson, Noel (UK gospel artist)
- Robinson, Porter
- Robinson, Porter & Madeon
- Robinson, Porter & Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs
- Robinson, Porter feat. Düren, Breanne
- Robinson, Porter feat. Düren, Breanne & Caskey, Sean Thomas
- Robinson, Porter feat. Imaginary Cities
- Robinson, Porter feat. Jano
- Robinson, Porter feat. Lemaitre
- Robinson, Porter feat. Millan, Amy
- Robinson, Porter feat. Shepherd, Amba
- Robinson, Porter feat. Urban Cone
- Robinson, Rachel (folk singer–songwriter based in Portland, OR)
- Robinson, Rich
- Robinson, Rob (House Artist)
- Robinson, Robert (18th century hymn author)
- Robinson, Roger (British writer, musician and performer)
- Robinson, Sharon (singer songwriter)
- Robinson, Smokey
- Robinson, Smokey & Barlow, Gary
- Robinson, Smokey & Blige, Mary J.
- Robinson, Smokey & Crow, Sheryl
- Robinson, Smokey & Green, CeeLo
- Robinson, Smokey & Jessie J
- Robinson, Smokey & John, Elton
- Robinson, Smokey & Ledisi
- Robinson, Smokey & Legend, John
- Robinson, Smokey & Miracles, The
- Robinson, Smokey & Miracles, The
- Robinson, Smokey & Miracles, The (Motown Group)
- Robinson, Smokey & Miracles, The
- Robinson, Smokey & Miracles, The
- Robinson, Smokey & Mitchell, Barbara
- Robinson, Smokey & Taylor, James
- Robinson, Smokey & Tyler, Steven
- Robinson, Smokey, Miguel, Blacc, Aloe & Chasez, JC
- Robinson, Spike
- Robinson, Sugar Chile
- Robinson, Sylvia
- Robinson, Sylvia & Moments, The
- Robinson, Tilman
- Robinson, Tom (British singer-songwriter, bassist and radio presenter)
- Robinson, Tom, Band
- Robinson, Vicki Sue
- Robison, Bruce (US Country Music Singer/Songwriter)
- Robison, Bruce & Willis, Kelly
- Robison, Bruce feat. Willis, Kelly
- Robison, Charlie
- Robison, Charlie, Ingram, Jack & Robison, Bruce
- Robitaille, Damien
- Robles, Bentley
- Robles, Bentley & ZEE MACHINE
- Robles, Eliseo y Los Barbaros del Norte
- Robles, Fabricio
- Robles, Lourdes
- Robles, Marisa (Spanish harpist)
- Robles, Miguel Angel
- Robles, Samu (Christian music artist)
- Robley, Chris
- Robley, Chris & The Fear of Heights
- Robo (OhNoItsRobo)
- Robocobra Quartet (UK jazz band)
- Robocop (powerviolence)
- Robocop Kraus, The
- Robohands
- Robokid (singer / producer)
- Robokid & Ravenna Golden