- RR
- RRab
- RabRac
- RacRad
- RadRad
- RadRae
- RaeRAF
- RAFRag
- RagRah
- RAHRah
- RahRai
- RaiRai
- RaiRAJ
- RajRAM
- RamRam
- RamRAM
- RAMRam
- RAMRan
- RanRan
- RanRan
- RanRap
- RapRap
- RapRas
- RasRas
- RasRat
- RatRau
- RauRav
- RavRaw
- RawRay
- RayRay
- RayRaz
- Razre
- ReRea
- REARea
- ReaReb
- RebRec
- RecRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRee
- ReeRee
- ReeRef
- RefReg
- RegReh
- RehRei
- ReiRei
- ReiRel
- RelRem
- RemRen
- RenRen
- RenRep
- RepRes
- ResRes
- ResRev
- RevRev
- RevRew
- RewRey
- ReyRez
- RezRhe
- RheRhy
- RhyRic
- RicRIC
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRID
- RIDRig
- RigRik
- RikRim
- RimRio
- RioRip
- RIPRis
- RisRit
- RitRiv
- RivRiv
- RivRiv
- RivRK
- RoaRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRod
- RodRod
- RodRoe
- RoeRog
- RogRoj
- RojRol
- RolRom
- RomRom
- RomRon
- RonRon
- RonRon
- RonROO
- RooRop
- RopRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRot
- RotRou
- RouRow
- RowRox
- RoxRoy
- RoyRoy
- RoyRoz
- RozRub
- RubRud
- RudRud
- RudRuf
- RufRui
- RuiRun
- RunRun
- RunRuP
- RuPRus
- RusRus
- RusRut
- RutRya
- RyaRye
- RyeRYV
- Rhett, Thomas featuring Green, Riley
- Rhett, Thomas featuring McEntire, Reba, Scott, Hillary, Tomlin, Chris & Urban, Keith
- Rhett, Thomas featuring Morris, Maren
- Rhett, Thomas, McEntire, Reba, Scott, Hillary, Tomlin, Chris & Urban, Keith
- Rhi (London-based singer, songwriter and producer)
- Rhianna (British singer Rhianna Kenny, key tracks ‘Oh Baby’, ‘Word Love’)
- Rhiannon (a.k.a. Rhiannon Erbach-Gruber/Rhiannon Catalyst)
- Rhiannon (mononym, jazz and a cappella singer)
- Rhiannon, Carly
- Rhigo
- Rhineland
- Rhino (Spanish heavyness)
- Rhino (Sicilian stoner hard rock band)
- Rhino Bucket
- Rhinoceros (late 60s US rock band)
- Rhinos Are People Too (Belgian indierock band)
- Rhita Nattah (Moroccan singer-songwriter and musician)
- Rhmti, Az (Iranian singer songwriter and rapper)
- Rhoads, k.s.
- Rhodanthe*
- Rhode & Brown (DJ & production duo based in Munich, Germany)
- Rhode Island
- Rhode, Lorenz
- Rhoden, Pat
- RHODES (UK singer‐songwriter)
- Rhodes (Austin blues rock band)
- RHODES & Birdy
- RHODES & Jaehn, Felix
- Rhodes, Ally
- Rhodes, Cynthia
- Rhodes, David (guitarist, singer, and songwriter)
- Rhodes, Emitt
- Rhodes, Gabe
- Rhodes, Happy
- Rhodes, Julie
- Rhodes, Kimmie
- Rhodes, Kimmie & Nelson, Willie
- Rhodes, Lou
- Rhodes, Robbie
- Rhodes, Sonny
- Rhodes, Teddy Tahu, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, Rudner, Ola
- Rhodes, Todd
- Rhodes, Twana
- Rhodes, Walter (1920s blues singer)
- rhodessa (Filipino indie-pop artist)
- Rhodium
- Rhodz
- Rhodz feat. Auvic & Fernandez, Pipo
- Rhodz feat. Fernandez, Pipo
- Rhodz feat. Tell, Adam
- Rhoma Irama
- Rhona (R&B singer)
- Rhonda (Band from Hamburg)
- Rhonda Burchmore
- Rhonda Harris
- Rhone (Post-Rock band from Chicago, IL)
- Rhone, Finley
- Rhone, Marty
- Rhos Male Voice Choir (Côr Meibion Rhosllannerchrugog)
- Rhoten Rhen
- Rhove
- RHR (DJ/Producer from Brazil)
- Rhubarb (Australian rock band)
- Rhudy, Kate
- Rhum for Pauline
- Rhumba, La (Cuarteto group)
- Rhume
- Rhyder, Brandon (country singer-songwriter)
- Rhydian (Welsh baritone Rhydian Roberts)
- Rhye
- Rhym
- Rhyme
- Rhyme Asylum
- Rhymefest
- Rhymefest feat. Citizen Cope
- Rhymefest feat. Halsted, Mikkey & Bump J
- Rhymefest feat. Mario
- Rhymefest feat. Ol’ Dirty Bastard
- Rhymefest feat. Payne, Mike
- Rhymefest feat. Ye
- Rhymefest feat. Yusef, Malik
- RHYMESTER feat. Rei
- Rhymin Simon
- Rhyn
- Rhys (Swedish-American singer Rhys Clarstedt)
- Rhys, Gruff