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- RanRan
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- RapRap
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- RufRui
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- RumRun
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- RusRus
- RRvy
- RwaRya
- RyaRym
- RymRZO
- Rebel MC (UK jungle MC/lyricist/songwriter; Michael West)
- Rebel MC feat. Double Trouble
- Rebel Meets Rebel
- Rebel Moves
- Rebel Noire & The Accomplices
- Rebel Noise
- Rebel Queens
- Rebel Saints, The
- Rebel Scum (EDM Producer)
- Rebel Scum, The
- Rebel Son
- Rebel Souljahz
- Rebel Spell, The
- Rebel Wheel, The
- REBEL YELL (Australian electronic/techno artist Grace Stevenson)
- Rebel, Chus feat. Bunbury
- Rebel, DJ (French hip-hop DJ/turntablist)
- Rebel, Jean‐Féry (or Jean-Ferry Rebel, French Baroque composer and violinist)
- Rebel, Jett (dutch artist)
- Rebel, Rowdy (GS9 rapper)
- Rebel, Rowdy feat. Shmurda, Bobby
- Rebel, The (Punk artist aka Ben Wallers)
- Rebel, Tony (Patrick George Anthony Barrett, Jamiacan reggae artist)
- Rebel, Tony feat. King, Diana
- Rebeldes
- Rebeldes (Brazilian band)
- Rebeldes del Rock, Los
- Rebeldes Mind
- Rebeldes, Los (Spanish rockabilly band)
- Rebelion (Hardstyle by Raymond Baird & Gary O'Dea)
- Rebelion & Hard Driver
- Rebelion & Malice
- Rebelion & Martin, Micah
- Rebelion & Vertile
- Rebelion & Warface
- Rebelion Ft. Sovereign King
- Rebelion With Ncrypta & Word, Last
- Rebelion, K., Dimitri & Dark Horror, The
- RebelionTha Watcher, MC
- Rebellion
- Rebellious Spirit (German Hard Rock Group)
- Rebello, Jason
- Rebelmatic
- Rebels (Czech psychedelic pop/rock group)
- Rebels n' Queen (Swiss Hard Rock)
- Rebels, The (Spanish band)
- Rebelski
- rebelsuns.
- Rebelution
- Rebelution & Hemphill, Jacob
- Rebelution & Kabaka Pyramid
- Rebelution feat. Buddz, Collie
- Rebelution feat. Carlos, Don
- Rebelution feat. Protoje
- Reber, Nina
- Reber, Peter
- Reber, Peter & Reber, Nina
- Reber, Peter und Reber, Nina
- Rebillet, Marc
- Rebirth Brass Band
- Rebirth, The (00s US-based 7-piece funk/soul group)
- Reblah
- Rebloom Music
- RebMoe
- Reboelje (Dutch-Frisian folk rock band)
- Rebolt
- Rebolú
- Reboost
- Reboot (house/techno, Frank Heinrich)
- Reborn (Folk, gospel from Canada)
- Reborn (Spanish death metal band)
- Reborn Tamizhan (Artist from Sri Lanka)
- Rebotier, Jérôme (French composer)
- Rebotini, Arnaud
- Rebounder
- Rebroff, Ivan
- Rebuilder (Punk band)
- Rebujitos, Los
- Rebūke (Irish DJ & Producer)
- Reburn, Anne
- Rebustini, Gui
- Rebzyyx
- Rec Hall
- Recado, Ziggi
- Recalde, Noelia
- Recanati, Barbi (Argentinian singer)
- Recayd Mob
- Recchio, Camila
- Recebim