- rR
- RRab
- RabRac
- RacRad
- RadRad
- RadRae
- RaeRAF
- RAFRag
- RagRAH
- RahRah
- RahRai
- RaiRai
- RaiRaj
- RajRal
- RalRam
- RamRam
- RamRam
- RamRan
- RRan
- RanRan
- RanRap
- RapRap
- RapRar
- RarRas
- RasRAT
- RatRat
- RRav
- RavRav
- RavRaw
- RaxRay
- RayRay
- RayRaz
- Razrea
- ReaRea
- REAReb
- RebReb
- RebRED
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedREE
- ReeRee
- ReeRef
- RefReg
- RegReg
- RegRei
- ReiRei
- ReiRel
- RelRem
- RemRen
- RenRen
- RenRep
- RepRes
- ResRes
- ResRet
- RetRev
- RevRev
- RevRex
- RexRey
- Rey
- RezRhi
- RhiRhy
- RhyRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRic
- RicRID
- RIDRig
- RigRik
- RikRim
- RimRin
- RinRio
- RioRis
- RisRIT
- RitRiv
- RivRiv
- RivRiv
- RivRiz
- RizRM
- RMRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRoc
- RocRod
- RodRod
- RodRog
- RogRog
- RogRok
- RokRol
- RolRom
- RomRom
- RomRon
- RonRon
- RonRoo
- RooRoo
- RooRor
- RorRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRot
- RotRou
- RouRov
- RovRox
- RoxRoy
- RoyRoy
- RoyRoz
- RozRub
- RubRub
- RubRud
- RudRuf
- RufRui
- RuiRum
- RumRun
- RunRun
- RunRus
- RusRus
- RusRus
- RusRvs
- RvsRya
- RyaRym
- RynRZO
- Rustage, Daniel (anime YouTube rapper)
- Rusted Brain (Thrash Metal, Poland)
- Rusted Root
- Ruster
- Rüstəmli, Nadir
- Rustic Overtones
- Rustichelli, Carlo
- Rustie
- Rustie feat. Brown, Danny
- Rustie feat. D Double E
- Rustie ft. Brown, Danny
- Rustin Man
- Rustis
- rustpr (Miguel Cardona project)
- Rusty (90s Canadian alternative rock band)
- Rusty Cage (singer-songwriter)
- Rusty Eye
- Rusty Jackson
- Rusty K (russian drum and bass producer)
- Rusty Shipp
- Rusty Tea Makers (Russian Alternative Rock band)
- Rusty Truck
- Rusty Wright Band
- Ruth (spanish singer)
- Ruth (90s UK britpop band)
- Ruth (2000s Christian rock band)
- Ruth (80s French synth pop band)
- Ruth Ann
- Ruth Good
- Ruth Rios
- Ruth Ruth
- Ruth, Del
- Ruth, Elin
- Ruth, Gabe (Australian Record Producer)
- Ruth, Georgia (folk harpist from Aberystwyth)
- Ruth, Rich
- RuthAnne (Irish singer-songwriter)
- Ruthcrest
- Rutherford, Carl
- Rutherford, Jesse James
- Rutherford, Mark (Composer, Producer)
- Rutherford, Paul (member of Frankie Goes to Hollywood)
- Ruthless (US power metal band from Los Angeles)
- Ruthless Bastards
- Ruthless Rap Assassins (British hip-hop group)
- Ruthless Rap Assassins, The
- Ruthven
- Ruti Olajugbagbe
- Rutledge, Justin
- Rutles, The
- Ruts D C
- Ruts, The
- Ruttan, Deric
- Rutten, Edwin
- Rutter, Jane (flutist)
- Rutter, John (English choral music composer, conductor, arranger and producer, born 1945)
- Rutter, John & Cambridge Singers, The
- Rutter, John & Choir of Clare College, Cambridge and Orchestra of Clare College, Cambridge
- Ruttokosmos (Finnish black metal)
- Rutty, Víctor
- Rutulis, Normunds
- Ruudolf (Finnish hip hop artist)
- Ruuska, Pekka
- Ruusut
- Ruusut feat. Paperi T
- Ruven
- Ruxe-Ruxe
- Ruxley
- Ruxpin
- Ruy Medina
- Ruysdael, Ronnie (Performance name of Jan Rabbers)
- Ruzer
- Rüzgar
- Rúzsa, Magdolna
- ruzto
- Ruzzi
- RV (grime artist; works with Headie One)
- RV (songwriter, Singer, Composer)
- RV feat. Headie One
- RVAGE (hardstyle)
- RVBY (British Pop Artist)
- RVCHL (singer-songwriter Rachel Larralde)
- Rvfv
- RVG (Australian indie rock band)
- RvNovae
- RVNT (Virginia Beach metalcore band)
- Rvshvd (Pronounced Rashad)
- Rvssian (Tarik Johnston, Jamaican producer)