- rR
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- RagRah
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- RaiRai
- RaiRak
- RakRam
- RamRam
- RamRam
- RamRam
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- RanRan
- RanRan
- RanRap
- RapRap
- RapRas
- RasRas
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- RavRay
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- Rey
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- RivRiv
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- RizRko
- RkoRoa
- RoaRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
- RobRob
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- RocRoc
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- RodRod
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- RogROI
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- RosRos
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- RosRos
- RosRos
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- RosRot
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- RoyRoy
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- RozRub
- RubRuc
- RucRud
- RudRuf
- RufRui
- RuRum
- RumRun
- RunRun
- RunRus
- RusRus
- RusRus
- RRvy
- RwaRya
- RyaRym
- RymRZO
- Rossum, Emmy, Wilson, Patrick
- Rosswell, Anita
- Rossy (Malagasy multi-instrumentalist)
- Rossy, Carlitos
- Rossy, Carlitos feat. Baby Rasta & Gringo
- Rossy, Carlitos feat. BF
- Rossy, Carlitos feat. Franco "El Gorila"
- Rossy, Carlitos feat. J Álvarez
- Rossy, Carlitos feat. Juhn
- Rossy, Carlitos feat. Pusho
- Rosszcsontok
- Röst, Røst, Rost (Norwegian pop/folk/rock artist)
- Rostam (American producer & songwriter)
- Rostam feat. Deradoorian
- Rostam feat. Zutrau, Kelly
- Rosti, Virve
- Rostinah
- Rostock, Gary (ambient)
- Rostropovich, Mstislav (cellist/conductor)
- Rostropovich, Mstislav, Dedyukhin, Alexander
- Rostropovich, Mstislav, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Giulini, Carlo Maria
- Rostropovich, Mstislav, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra, Rozhdestvensky, Gennadi Nikolayevich
- Rostropovich, Mstislav, Orchestre national de France, Bernstein, Leonard
- Rostros Ocultos
- Rosu
- Roșu și negru
- Rosvosektori
- Roswein (Belgian rapper, aka 'Don Roswein')
- Roswell (UK acoustic/folk duo)
- Roswell Six
- Rosy & Andres
- ROT (Hardcore band from Minnesota)
- Rot, Ariel
- Rot, Ariel & Bunbury
- Rot, Ariel con Fito & Fitipaldis
- Rot, Erna
- Rot, Jan (Dutch singer-songwriter)
- Rota, Nino (composer)
- Rotane, Celvin
- Rotari, Marius
- Rotary Connection
- Rotating Leslie (London band)
- Rotation (German 70s psychedelic band)
- Rotations, The (Glasgow)
- Rotblond
- Rote Mütze Raphi
- Rote Mütze Raphi x Aylo
- Rote, The
- Rotella, Thom
- Rotenberg, Abie
- Rotenberg, Abie & Lemmer, Shulem
- Rotenberg, Abie & Newcomb, Joey
- Roterfeld
- Rotersand
- Rotevatn, Andreas
- RotFront
- Roth, Arlen
- Roth, Asher
- Roth, Asher feat. Chester French
- Roth, Asher feat. Green, CeeLo
- Roth, Asher feat. Hilson, Keri
- Roth, Asher feat. Inglish, Chuck
- Roth, Asher feat. Jazze Pha
- Roth, Asher feat. New Kingdom & Busta Rhymes
- Roth, David (US folk singer–songwriter)
- Roth, David Lee
- Roth, Gabrielle & The Mirrors
- Roth, Herbert
- Roth, Kevin (US singer-songwriter & dulcimer player)
- Roth, Maïdi
- Roth, Ryan (Canadian video game music)
- Roth, Steven
- Roth, Tim (English actor/director)
- Roth, Uli Jon
- Roth, Uli Jon & Electric Sun
- Rothberg, Patti
- Rother, Anthony (German electronic music producer)
- Rothery, Steve
- Rothko (UK ambient / post-rock group)
- Rothman, Lawrence
- Rothman, Lawrence feat. Shires, Amanda
- Rothrock, Nalani
- Rothrock, Tom with Wise, Jim
- Rothstein, Johan
- Rothwell (Ella Rothwell)
- Rothwell, Brendan
- Rothwell, Randy (Worship Leader)
- Rothy
- Rotimi