- rR
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- RagRah
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- RaiRai
- RaiRak
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- RamRam
- RamRam
- RamRam
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- RanRan
- RanRan
- RanRap
- RapRap
- RapRas
- RasRas
- RasRat
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- RebRec
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- RedRed
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- RedRed
- RedRed
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- Rey
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- RicRic
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- RivRiv
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- RoaRob
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- RobRob
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- RocRoc
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- RodRod
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- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRot
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- RouRow
- RowRox
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- RoyRoy
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- RozRub
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- RufRui
- RuRum
- RumRun
- RunRun
- RunRus
- RusRus
- RusRus
- RRvy
- RwaRya
- RyaRym
- RymRZO
- Red Café feat. Fabolous
- Red Café feat. Ross, Rick
- Red Cain
- Red Car Wire
- Red Cardell
- Red Carpet (house/progressive house project from Belgium)
- Red Carpet (Finnish indie rock band)
- Red Carpet feat. Hardwell
- Red Cell (electro‐industrial / metal crossover)
- Red Cent (Ryan Dusthimer)
- Red Charcoal
- Red Checker
- Red Chord, The (US metal band)
- Red Circuit
- Red City Radio (Oklahoma City-based punk rock)
- Red Clay (US hip-hop)
- Red Clay Ramblers, The
- Red Clay Strays, The (American country rock band)
- Red Cloud (French classic rock band)
- Red Crap
- Red Cross (wati b)
- Red Dead
- Red Dead Roadkill
- Red Death, The
- Red Delicious (US pop/rock)
- Red Desert
- Red Devils, The (US blues-rock, 1980s/90s)
- Red Dirt
- Red Dirt Rangers, The
- Red Dons
- Red Dragon (Leroy May, Jamaican Dancehall DJ)
- Red Dragon Cartel
- Red Dragon feat. Brian & Tony Gold
- Red Electric
- Red Electrick
- Red Elvises
- Red Eye & OVER KILL
- Red Eye Drive
- Red Eyed Cult (UK psych/stoner/doom metal band)
- Red Eyed Hyena
- Red Eyes, The (Australian dub/reggae group)
- Red Fang (Portland, OR band)
- Red Five
- Red Flag (US synthpop act)
- Red Fox (reggae deejay Gareth Shelton)
- Red Garden (italodance)
- Red Goodbye (Indie rockers)
- Red Guitars
- Red Handed Denial
- Red Hands (gospel singers)
- Red Harvest (Norwegian extreme industrial metal band)
- Red Hearse
- Red Horse (Eliza Gilkyson group)
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Red Hot Chili Peppers Revival (Brno, Czechia Cover Band)
- Red Hot Chilli Pipers (Scottish Celtic rock band)
- Red Hot Chilli Pipers feat. Chris Judge and the Soul Nation Choir
- Red Hot Chilli Pipers feat. Walker Tom
- Red Hot Rebellion
- Red Hot Valentines, The
- Red House (Korean singer)
- Red House Painters
- Red I Flight
- Red Industrie
- Red Ink (Australian band)
- Red Ivy (band from Dortmund & Münster)
- Red Jezebel
- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The
- Red Keep
- Red Kite
- Red Krayola, The
- Red Leather
- Red Letter (Mars Hill Church)
- Red Light Company
- Red Lights Flash
- Red Line Chemistry (Rock/metal group from Kansas City.)
- Red Lips
- Red Lipstick Letter
- Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
- Red Market (US electro-industrial)
- Red Mass
- Red Means No Mercy
- Red Mecca (Swedish band)
- Red Mesa
- Red Mess
- Red Molly
- Red Moon Architect
- Red Moon Shaman (Italian heavy space rock band)
- Red Moons, The
- Red Mountain Church