- rR
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- RayRay
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- RedRed
- RedRed
- RedRed
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- RKMRoa
- Roarob
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- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
- RosRos
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- RUARub
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- RugRum
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- RunRun
- RunRUR
- RurRus
- RusRus
- RusRV
- RVARya
- RyaRym
- RymRZO
- Rose, Pamela (US female jazz singer)
- Rose, Paul (Jazz Guitarist)
- Rose, Perry (Belgian singer/songwriter of Irish descent)
- Rose, Raina
- Rose, Randolph
- Rose, Randolph & Anderson, Margit
- Rose, Scarlett
- Rose, Shannon & Thorns, The
- Rose, Sophie (US singer/songwriter)
- Rose, Stacie
- Rose, Susan
- Rose, Sydney (US singer)
- Rosé, The (Scottish‐American drag queen)
- Rose, Tim (US singer/songwriter based mostly in UK)
- Rose, West (Montreal-born, LA-Based artist/songwriter)
- Rose, Whitney
- Rose, Yossie
- Roseau
- Roseaux
- Roseaux feat. Blacc, Aloe
- Rosebleed
- Roseboro, John (Haitian-American, Brooklyn based, singer-songwriter and visual artist)
- roseboy666
- Rosebud (late 70s French italo-disco group)
- Rosebud (jazzy side project of Jump, Little Children)
- Rosebuds, The (Raleigh, NC indie rock band)
- Roseburg
- Rosecaps, the (Irish indierock)
- rosecoloredworld
- Rosedales, The
- Rosegarden Funeral Party
- Rosehardt
- Rosehaven (Post-hardcore band)
- Rosehill, Mari
- Rosehip Teahouse
- Roseland
- Roselia (BanG Dream!)
- Roseline, The
- Rosellas (Manchester guitar band)
- Roselli, Jimmy
- Rosellini, Nicoletta (KalidiA, Alterium, Walk In Darkness)
- Roselly, Ramon
- Roseman, Josh
- Rosemaries, The (5 piece pop-punk-indie band formed in York, England)
- Rosemary (Brazilian singer)
- Rosemary & Garlic (Dutch indie band)
- Rosemary’s Sons
- Rosén, Alex
- Rosen, Edwin
- Rosen, Nick (Freelance bass musician and composer)
- Rosenberg Trio, The
- Rosenberg, Jimmy
- Rosenberg, Maria Lucia Heiberg
- Rosenberg, Marianne
- Rosenberg, Mel
- Rosenberg, Nomy Trio
- Rosenberg, Stochelo
- Rosenbergs, The (1990s-2000s rock band)
- Rosenblatt, Yossele
- Rosenborg
- Rosendale
- Rosendo
- Rosendo, Raulin
- Roseneath
- Rosenfeld (Simon Rosenfeld)
- Rosenfels
- Rosenkranz, Déborah (singer-songwriter)
- Rosenman, Leonard
- Rosenrot, Alex (Folk Pop)
- Rosenshontz
- Rosenstock, Jeff
- Rosenstock, Mario
- Rosenstolz
- Rosenstolz & Almond, Marc
- Rosenstolz & Stereoact
- Rosenstolz & von Sinnen, Hella
- Rosenstolz feat. von Sinnen, Hella
- Rosenström, Björn
- Rosenthal, Denise
- Rosenthal, Ted
- Rosenthal, Tom (UK singer‐songwriter)
- Rosenthal, Tom feat. Gartland, Orla
- Rosenthal, Tom feat. Lily, Fenne
- Rosenthal, Tom feat. Marten, Billie
- Rosenvinge, Christina
- Rosenvinge, Christina & Vegas, Nacho
- Rosenwinkel, Kurt (US jazz guitarist, composer, and keyboardist)
- Rosenwinkel, Kurt, Quartet
- Rosenwinkel, Kurt, Trio