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- RamRam
- RamRam
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- RanRan
- RanRan
- RanRap
- RapRap
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- RufRui
- RuRum
- RumRun
- RunRun
- RunRus
- RusRus
- RusRus
- RRvy
- RwaRya
- RyaRym
- RymRZO
- Rose (Eurobeat project)
- ROSÉ & Mars, Bruno
- Rose Betts
- Rose Blossom Punch (post‐grunge and alternative rock band from Seattle)
- Rose Chronicles
- Rose City Band
- Rose Ensemble, The
- Rose Funeral (American deathcore band)
- Rose Garden, The
- Rose Hill Drive
- Rose Hotel
- Rose Marin
- Rose of Jericho
- Rose of the West
- Rose of Victory
- Rose Quartz
- Rose Quartz (Thai girl group)
- Rose Rose (Japanese thrash punk band)
- Rose Rovine e Amanti
- Rose Royce
- Rose Tattoo (Australian hard rock band)
- Rose Villain (Italian singer)
- Rose Villain feat. Brave, Carl
- Rose Villain feat. Elisa
- Rose Villain feat. Geolier
- Rose Villain feat. Guè
- Rose Villain feat. Madame
- Rose Villain feat. Salmo
- Rose Villain feat. Tedua
- Rose Villain feat. thasup
- Rose Villain feat. Tony Effe
- Rose Windows
- Rose, Aaliyah
- Rose, Aaron
- Rose, Abigail
- Rose, Alessi
- Rose, Alex (reggaeton artist)
- Rose, Alex & CNCO
- Rose, Alex, Cazzu, Rauw Alejandro, Tavárez, Lenny & Lyanno
- Rose, Alexa (singer-songwriter from Virginia, USA)
- Rose, Alexus
- Rose, Alice (Danish violinist and vocalist)
- Rose, Andy
- Rose, Anfa
- Rose, Angie
- Rose, Anika Noni
- Rose, Annika (American singer and songwriter)
- Rose, Bayless
- Rose, Bianca
- Rose, Biff
- Rose, Blake
- Rose, Brittany (Singer-Songwriter from Binghamton, New York)
- Rose, Caitlin
- Rose, Caitlin feat. Andrews, Courtney Marie
- Rose, Caoilfhionn
- Rose, Cara
- Rose, Caroline
- Rose, Chaley (American actress and singer)
- Rose, Chelsea
- Rose, Chloe
- Rose, Corinna
- Rose, Danielle
- Rose, David (singer in Andrej Hermlin's Swing Dance Orchestra)
- Rose, David (songwriter, pianist and orchestra leader)
- Rose, David and Orchestra, His
- Rose, Eileen
- Rose, Eileen & Holy Wreck, The
- Rose, Einar
- Rose, Ela
- Rose, Ela feat. David Deejay
- Rose, Elena
- Rose, Elizabeth (Australian electro‐pop producer)
- Rose, Emily (Detroit based singer/songwriter, poet, and rabbit lover)
- Rose, Emma
- Rose, Esther (singer/washboard-player)
- Rose, Esther feat. Hurray for the Riff Raff
- Rose, Ezza
- Rose, Flora
- Rose, Frankie (former member of Vivian Girls / Crystal Stilts / Dum Dum Girls)
- Rose, Gabriella
- Rose, George. (christian rapper)
- Rose, Hailey
- Rose, Haroula
- Rose, Hudson
- Rose, Imogen (Imogen Rose Chiasson)
- Rose, Isabel
- Rose, Ivy
- Rose, Jack (singer songwriter and TV presenter from Ashford, Kent)
- Rose, Jack & Black Twig Pickers, The
- Rose, Jacob Tony