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- RuiRum
- RumRun
- RunRun
- RunRus
- RusRus
- RusRus
- RusRvs
- RvsRya
- RyaRym
- RynRZO
- Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
- Robert PM (Robert PM is the solo project of producer, composer, and performer, Robert Perlick-Molinari. This is his first work as a solo artist, being one half of indie dance darlings French Horn Rebellion.)
- Robert Raimon Roy
- Robert Shaw Chamber Singers
- Robert Shaw Chorale
- Robert Shaw Chorale, Shaw, Robert
- Robert Staloch
- Robert Taira Wilson (singer songwriter from London England)
- Robert, Anders
- Robert, Arthur
- Robert, Dee
- Robert, DJ & The Martinez Bros. (trance)
- Robert, Franco (Argentine musician)
- Robert, Jon
- Robert, Mila (Bulgarian pop and R&B artist)
- Robert, Robert
- Robert, Will
- Robert, Yves (trombonist and jazz composer)
- Robert, Yves (actor, screenwriter, director, and producer)
- Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway
- Robertas, Las (Costa Rican garage rock band)
- Robertha (Yolanda Gutiérrez)
- Robertino (Italian singer Roberto Loreti)
- Roberto (pan pipes)
- Roberto Carlos (Brazilian singer-songwriter, "King of Latin Music")
- Roberto Carlos & Carlos, Erasmo
- Roberto Carlos & Fafá de Belém
- Roberto Carlos & Lopez, Jennifer
- Roberto Carlos & Veloso, Caetano
- Roberto Carlos feat. Carlos, Erasmo
- Roberto Goyeneche & Ernesto Baffa & Osvaldo Berlingeri
- Roberto Junior y su Bandeño (Regional Mexican)
- Roberto Justus
- Roberto Menescal e Seu Conjunto
- Roberto Trevizan
- Roberto y su Nuevo Montuno
- Roberto, Michael A.
- Roberto, Zé
- Roberton, Hugh
- Roberts, Abby
- Roberts, Alasdair
- Roberts, Austin (singer-songwriter)
- Roberts, Brad (of Crash Test Dummies)
- Roberts, Bruce (American singer-songwriter)
- Roberts, Charles (tribute artist)
- Roberts, Chris (German singer)
- Roberts, Chris (Country songwriter)
- Roberts, Claudia (US singer)
- Roberts, David (Canadian singer‐songwriter)
- Roberts, Dexter (American Idol)
- Roberts, Doria
- Roberts, Ella
- Roberts, Emily (musician based in Berlin)
- Roberts, Emily (Emily Jane Roberts, backing vocals for Soul Asylum)
- Roberts, Emily Ann
- Roberts, Emma (American actress)
- Roberts, Fred
- Roberts, Howard (jazz guitarist, educator, session musician and producer)
- Roberts, Howard, Quartet
- Roberts, Iris & Heyman, Jay
- Roberts, Jim (male vocalist, tenor)
- Roberts, Joan
- Roberts, Joe (appears in a duet with Melanie Williams)
- Roberts, John & Barrand, Tony
- Roberts, Judy
- Roberts, Julie (country singer)
- Roberts, Juliet (British jazz, rock, and house music singer)
- Roberts, Juliet (British pop vocalist)
- Roberts, Justin (American singer songwriter of children’s music)
- Roberts, Kane
- Roberts, Kathryn
- Roberts, Kathryn & Lakeman, Sean
- Roberts, Kathryn & Lakeman, Sean
- Roberts, Kenny
- Roberts, Kerrie
- Roberts, Lea (soul singer)
- Roberts, Lee Ann (appears on a spanish hard techno compilation)
- Roberts, Malcolm
- Roberts, Marc (ESC 1997 for Ireland)
- Roberts, Marcus (American jazz pianist)
- Roberts, Mica
- Roberts, Nicola
- Roberts, Nora
- Roberts, Paddy (singer/songwriter)
- Roberts, Patrice
- Roberts, Rick (member of Firefall & The Flying Burrito Brothers)
- Roberts, Rocky
- Roberts, Roland (Alaskan Americana performer)
- Roberts, Sam (Canadian rock singer-songwriter)
- Roberts, Sam, Band