
Thinking of You Songtext
von Katy Perry

Thinking of You Songtext

Comparisons are easily done
Once you′ve had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed

You said move on, where do I go?
I guess second best is all I will know

'Cause when I′m with him, I am thinking of you (thinking of you, thinking of you)
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one who was spending the night
(Spending the night, spending the night)
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your eyes

You're like an Indian summer in the middle of winter
Like a hard candy with a surprise center
How do I get better once I've had the best?
You said there′s tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test

He kissed my lips, I taste your mouth (I taste your mouth), oh
He pulled me in, I was disgusted with myself

′Cause when I'm with him, I am thinking of you (thinking of you, thinking of you)
Thinking of you
What you would do if
You were the one who was spending the night
(Spending the night, spending the night)
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your-

You′re the best
And yes, I do regret
How I could let myself let you go
Oh-oh, now, now the lesson's learned
I touched it, I was burned
Oh, I think you should know

′Cause when I'm with him, I am thinking of you (thinking of you, thinking of you)
Thinking of you (oh)
What you would do if
You were the one who was spending the night
(Spending the night, spending the night)
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your eyes

Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh, won′t you walk through
And bust in the door and take me away?
Oh, no more mistakes

'Cause in your eyes, I'd like to stay

Songtext kommentieren

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Fantastisches, schönes und herzrührendes Lied.


Sehe ich es richtig, dass dieses Lied von einer Frau handelt, die mit jemandem zusammen ist, den sie nicht liebt? Warum trennt sie sich nicht von ihm, sondern ergeht sich in ihrem peinlichen Selbstmitleid?
Dieses Lied ist meiner Meinung nach Ausdruck einer schwachen und widerlichen Persönlichkeit! Schließlich wird sie ihrem jetzigen Gefährten das Herz brechen.
Aber nach den Kommentaren kann man wohl sagen: typisch Frau. Euer Prinz Charming steht halt einfach nicht auf euch. Findet euch damit ab.


ich liiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeebe dieses lied
total schön


...da denke ich immer nur an dich....

Christopher, ich liebe dich!
Ich muss bei diesem Lied immer an dich denken. ?

Wer singt das Lied „Haus am See“?


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