- WWad
- WadWah
- WahWai
- WaWak
- WakWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWan
- WanWar
- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWas
- WasWat
- WatWat
- WatWat
- WatWav
- WavWay
- WayWay
- WayWe
- WeWe
- WeWeb
- WebWeb
- WebWee
- WeeWee
- WeeWei
- WeiWel
- WelWen
- WenWes
- WesWes
- WesWes
- WesWet
- WetWha
- WhaWhe
- WheWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWho
- WhoWic
- WicWie
- WieWIL
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- WilWil
- WilWil
- Wilwil
- wilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
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- WinWin
- WinWin
- WinWis
- WisWis
- WisWis
- WiWit
- WitWit
- WitWiz
- WizWoh
- WoiWol
- WolWol
- WolWon
- WonWoo
- Woowoo
- wooWoo
- WooWor
- WorWor
- WorWra
- WraWri
- WriWri
- WriWu
- WuWus
- WutWyn
- WynWZR
- Wiśnia Bakajoko (rapper from Bronowice)
- Wisniak, Alain (French film music composer and singer)
- Wisnik, Zé Miguel
- wiśniosz
- Wiso G
- Wisp (Reid Dunn, electronic producer)
- Wisp (shoegaze artist based in San Francisco, California)
- Wisp (indie rock project)
- Wisp X & Xomu
- Wissem, van, Jozef (Dutch lute player and minimalist composer)
- Wisteria (post-punk from Pittsburgh)
- Wisternoff, Jody
- Wisternoff, Jody & Grant, James
- Wisternoff, Jody & Mendelsohn, Jonathan
- Wisternoff, Jody feat. Burkhard, Hendrik
- Wisternoff, Jody feat. Evans, Sian
- Wisternoff, Jody feat. Mendelsohn, Jonathan
- Wisternoff, Jody feat. Page, Mimi
- Wit (Hip-hop producer)
- Wit (Rappeur et producteur français)
- Wit feat. Laylow
- Wit, The
- Witch (stoner/doom metal band from Brattleboro, Vermont)
- WITCH (1970s African psychedelic band)
- Witch Club Satan
- Witch Cross
- WITCH feat. Kabwe, Keith
- WITCH feat. Sampa the Great
- WITCH feat. Tembo, Hanna & Ng'ambi, Theresa
- Witch Fever
- Witch House
- Witch Hunt (US American Hardcore Punk band)
- Witch Mountain
- Witch of the Vale
- Witch Piss (US punk band from Simi Valley, CA)
- Witch Prophet (Canadian singer/songwriter Etmet Musa)
- Witch Queen
- Witch Ripper
- Witch Was Right, The
- Witch Weather (Queerpunk)
- Witchaven
- Witchbreed (Progressive Gothic Metal)
- Witchcraft (Swedish doom metal/psychedelic hard rock)
- Witchdoctor (US rapper)
- Witchdoctor feat. T‐Mo & Goodie, Khujo
- Witchers, The (Mexican stoner rock band)
- Witches (French extreme metal band)
- Witches (Georgian band, led by Cara Beth Satalino)
- Witches (Indie Pop Band from Chicago)
- Witches of Doom
- Witches of Elswick, The
- Witches, Les (early music ensemble)
- Witches' Cauldron
- Witchfinder General
- Witchfucker
- Witchfynde
- WitchGang
- Witchgrinder
- Witchhelm
- Witching
- Witching Hour (United Kingdom, Trevor Barnes)
- Witching Hour, The (Australian rock band)
- Witchkiller
- Witchking
- Witchkiss
- Witchorious (French Doom/Stoner Metal Band)
- Witchouse 40k
- Witchpoint (Canadian Metal Band)
- Witchrider (Austrian rock band)
- Witchrist (New Zealand black/death metal)
- Witchskull
- Witchspëll
- Witchthroat Serpent
- Witchtrap (Colombian metal band)
- Witchtrap (Turkish black metal band)
- Witchunter (Italian heavy/speed metal band)
- Witchz (Alt/Indie Bleak Beats)
- Witecka, Friedemann
- With Blood Comes Cleansing
- With Confidence (Australian pop punk)
- With Heavy Hearts
- With Honor
- WIth Jet Packs (Chicago Dream Pop Band)
- With knives
- With Life in Mind
- With Lions
- With Locusts And Liars
- With One Last Breath (United Kingdom (York))
- With Passion
- With Sails Ahead