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- WooWor
- WorWor
- WorWra
- WraWri
- WriWri
- WriWu
- WuWus
- WutWyn
- WynWZR
- Wahab, Mohammed Abdel
- Wahid, Habib (Bangladeshi Musician)
- Wahkonda
- Wahl, William
- Wahlandt, Lisa
- Wahlandt, Lisa & Francel, Mulo
- Wahler, David
- Wahlgren, Niclas
- Wahlgren, Pernilla (Swedish singer and actress)
- Wahlstedt
- Wahlströms
- Wahnsinn Industries
- Wahnsinn, Der
- Wahoo
- Wahwahsda (Belgian reggae group)
- Wahyu OS (Artist of JK Records)
- Wai, Leslie
- Waidelotte (WAIDELOTTE is a new Extreme Metal band from Ukraine combining Black Metal, melodic Death Metal and Progressive Metal with traditional Folk singing and instrumentation. The project gathers individuals with diverse musical backgrounds, including members of)
- Waifs, The (Australian folk rock band)
- Waifuture
- Waii
- Waikiki
- Waikikis, The, Prince Paul & Wordsworth
- Wailer, Bunny
- Wailer, Bunny & Wailers, The
- Wailers Band, The
- Wailers Band, The & Barrett, Aston, Jr
- Wailers Band, The & Griffiths, Marcia
- Wailers Band, The & Rose, Michael
- Wailers Band, The feat. Anthony, Paul
- Wailers Band, The, Marley, Skip / Farruko, Shaggy / Marley, Cedella
- Wailers, The (seminal 50s-60s Tacoma instrumental garage rock)
- Wailers, The (’60s – ’70s Jamaican reggae band of Wailer, Marley & Tosh)
- Wailers, The (psych rock group)
- Wailin’ Jennys, The
- Wailing Souls
- Wailing Trees (Reggae/soul/jazz)
- Waima
- Wain, Bea
- Waingro
- Wainwright Roche, Lucy
- Wainwright Sisters, The
- Wainwright, Adam (former St. Louis Cardinals pitcher)
- Wainwright, Loudon, III
- Wainwright, Martha
- Wainwright, Martha & Wainwright, Rufus
- Wainwright, Rufus (Canadian‐American singer‐songwriter and composer)
- Wainwright, Rufus & de Vries, Marius
- Wainwright, Rufus & Wainwright, Martha
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. ANOHNI
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. ANOHNI
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Bird, Andrew & Stills, Chris
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Byrne, David
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Carlile, Brandi
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Chenoweth, Kristin
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Cunningham, Madison
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Hoffs, Susanna, Stills, Chris & Crow, Sheryl
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Khan, Chaka
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Legend, John
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. McGarrigle, Anna, Tannenbaum, Chaim, Lanken, Lily, Wainwright Roche, Lucy & Wainwright, Martha
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Parks, Van Dyke
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Scherzinger, Nicole
- Wainwright, Rufus feat. Wainwright, Martha & Wainwright Roche, Lucy
- Wainwright, Sloan
- Waipara, Tama
- WAIT (US death metal band)
- Wait for the Day
- Waita
- Waïte, Geneviève
- Waite, John
- Waite, John & Krauss, Alison
- Waite, Michael
- Waiters, Mel
- Waiting 4 April
- Waiting for Eternity
- Waiting for Iris
- Waiting for Nova
- Waiting for Smith
- Waiting for Sunset (Spanish band)
- Waiting for Wednesday
- Waiting for Words
- Waiting On Mongo (New Jersey)
- Waiting, The
- Waitress (Alternative rock band)
- Waitress Band, The (group from the Broadway show Waitress)
- Waitresses, The
- Waits, Hope
- Waits, Tom
- Waits, Tom & Kronos Quartet
- Waits, Tom feat. Midler, Bette