
- Midnight Flyer
- Shackles and Chains
- Four Walls Around Me
- I'm a Stranger Here
- You're the Girl of My Dreams
- Family Bible
- Mother Maybelle
- Poison Love
- Take Me Back to Renfro Valley
- Mountain Fever
- 'tis Sweet to Be Remembered
- I'll Keep on the Sunny Side
- It's Goodbye and So Long to You
- Shenandoah Waltz
- I'll Still Write Your Name in the Sand
- Pins and Needles
- Are You Coming Back to Me
- The Bluebirds Are Singing for Me
- Old Brush Arbors
- Don't Let Your Sweet Love Die
- Travelin' This Lonesome Road
- I Wonder How the Old Folks Are at Home
- I've Always Wanted to Sing in Renfro Valley
- Little White Church