- WWad
- WadWah
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- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
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- WanWan
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- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWas
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- WayWe
- WeWe
- WeWeb
- WebWeb
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- WeeW
- WegWEK
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- WerWes
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- WesWes
- WesWha
- wHaWhe
- WheWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWhi
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- WhiWhy
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- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
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- WooWoo
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- WooWor
- WorWor
- WorWre
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- WriWST
- WSTWun
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- WylWZR
- Whitmore
- Whitmore Sisters (Bonnie & Eleanor Whitmore's roots, Americana, folk, country band)
- Whitmore, Bonnie
- Whitmore, Eleanor
- Whitmore, Guy (video game composer)
- Whitmore, William Elliott
- Whitney (US indie rock band from Chicago, IL)
- Whitney Tai
- Whitney, Beth
- Whitney, Frances
- Whitney, Marva
- Whitsun‐Jones, Paul
- Whitsundays, The
- Whitt, Madelynne
- Whittaker, Carlos (Contemporary Christian)
- Whittaker, Jodie (British actress)
- Whittaker, Roger
- Whittaker, Roger & Stereoact
- Whittaker, Roger & Whittaker, Jessica
- Whitten, Charlie
- Whitters, Hailey
- Whitters, Hailey feat. Davis, Jordan
- Whitters, Hailey feat. Little Big Town
- Whitters, Hailey feat. Yearwood, Trisha
- Whittington, Buddy
- Whitworth
- Whitworth, Shannon
- Whizart
- Whizz (Indie Pop band from Hong Kong)
- Whizzkids
- Who da Funk
- Who da Funk feat. Deva, Terra
- Who da Funk feat. Eve, Jessica
- Who Is Fancy
- Who Is She?
- Who Killed Bruce Lee
- Who on Earth
- Who Parked the Car
- Who Saw Her Die?
- Who See
- Who‐ya Extended
- Who, Betty
- Who, Betty feat. Superfruit
- Who, Betty feat. Warren G
- Who, The
- Who, The & Isobel Griffiths Orchestra
- Who, Vinnie
- Who, Who's (Ulterior Motives - Correct Tag)
- Who's Molly?
- Who's Panda
- Who’s That Girl (cover act)
- Who’s Who? (Steve Fragogiannis; active since 2004)
- Who’z Who (R&B group)
- WhoCares (collaboration of Tommi Iommi and Ian Gillan)
- WhoCares feat. Gillan, Ian, Iommi, Tony, Newsted, Jason, Lord, Jon, McBrain, Nicko
- Whodini
- WhoHeem
- Whole Wheat Bread
- Wholls, The
- Wholly Oracle
- WhoMadeWho
- WhoMadeWho / Adana Twins
- WhoMadeWho / Mano Le Tough
- Whomping Willows, The
- Whoo Kid, DJ & Banks, Lloyd
- Whoo, Jimmy (Paris-based DJ/producer)
- Whookilledkenny
- Whoong, André (Brazil pop)
- Whoopie Cat
- Whorecore
- Whores. (noise rock/sludge punk)
- Whoretopsy
- WhoRidas, The
- Whorion
- Whoroboros
- Whorticulture
- Whosah
- Whose Rules
- Whøami (Hardstyle DJ and producer from Bad Ischl, Austria)
- WHSPRS (Austrian furry producer)
- Whu Else
- whxami (Rapper)
- WHY (Canadian alt rock band featuring singer Brian Cook)
- Why Bonnie
- Why Don’t We