- WWad
- WadWah
- WahWai
- WaWak
- WakWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWal
- WalWan
- WanWar
- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWar
- WarWas
- WasWat
- WatWat
- WatWat
- WatWav
- WavWay
- WayWay
- WayWe
- WeWe
- WeWeb
- WebWeb
- WebWee
- WeeWee
- WeeWei
- WeiWel
- WelWen
- WenWes
- WesWes
- WesWes
- WesWet
- WetWha
- WhaWhe
- WheWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWhi
- WhiWho
- WhoWic
- WicWie
- WieWIL
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- Wilwil
- wilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWil
- WilWin
- WinWin
- WinWin
- WinWin
- WinWis
- WisWis
- WisWis
- WiWit
- WitWit
- WitWiz
- WizWoh
- WoiWol
- WolWol
- WolWon
- WonWoo
- Woowoo
- wooWoo
- WooWor
- WorWor
- WorWra
- WraWri
- WriWri
- WriWu
- WuWus
- WutWyn
- WynWZR
- Wormwood (Melodic Black Metal from Stockholm, Sweden)
- Wormy (Solo project of Noah Rauchwerk)
- Worn (Hardcore punk from Pennsylvania)
- Worn Out Shoes
- Worn-Tin
- Worrall, Marty (Australian Idol Contestant)
- Worrell, Shannon
- worriedaboutsatan
- worriedaboutsatan feat. Cavanagh, Vincent
- Worriers
- Worry Club
- Worry Dolls
- Worse in Person
- Worsham, Charlie
- Worsham, Charlie feat. Stuart, Marty & Gill, Vince
- Worship (doom metal)
- Worship (nu-disco artist)
- Worship (released In Spirit And Truth)
- Worship (Hardcore, Sludge, Doom from Salinas, California)
- WORSHIP (wall noise)
- Worship Band, The
- Worship Central
- Worship Initiative, The
- Worship Jamz
- Worship the Pestilence
- Worship Together
- Worship Together Kids
- Worship, DaySpring
- Worship, Renew
- Worship, Watershed (Watershed Worship singing group - Gulf Coast Getaway)
- worship@clz.ch
- WorshipMob
- Worshipper (stoner rock band from Boston, MA, USA)
- Worsnop, Danny
- Worst (Brazilian hardcore punk band)
- Worst Case Scenario, The (Lubbock, Texas / Death Metal)
- Worst Days Down
- Worst in Me (American post-hardcore cover band)
- Worst of Us, The (Boston metalcore band)
- Worst of Us, The & ALEX
- Worst of Us, The feat. ALEX
- Worst Party Ever
- Wort-Ton
- Wortfront
- Worth Dying For (worship band)
- Worth Taking
- Worthikids (Animator and Musician)
- Worthington, Jake
- Worthington, JoJo
- Worthless United
- Worthless Without
- Worthwhile
- Worthy, Jay
- Worthy, Jay & Fraud, Harry feat. Big Body Bes & Conway
- WOS (Argentine rapper)
- WOS & Santaolalla, Gustavo
- Woslom
- wosX
- Wot Gorilla?
- wotaku
- Wotamin
- Wotherspoon, Noah
- Woude
- Would–Be–Goods
- Wound (Hardcore / beatdown band from Syracuse, NY)
- Wounded Kings, The
- Wounded, The (Dutch metal band)
- Wounds of Recollection
- Woundvac
- Wouter (Belgian singer Wouter de Clerck)
- Woven
- Woven in Hiatus
- Wovenhand (dark country/folk music group)
- Wovenwar
- WOW (Taiwanese band)
- WOW (Italian band based in Rome)
- Wow Kidd
- Wow, Owls!
- Wowod
- WOWS (Italy / post-black metal/hardcore)
- Woygn
- Wöyza
- Woz (New York Artist)
- Woźniak, Tadeusz
- Wrabel
- Wrabel & Laurence, Duncan
- Wrach
- Wraith (United Kingdom heavy metal/hard rock)
- Wraith (2016 Blackened Speed Metal/Punk band from Indiana (USA))