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- WynWZR
- Willis Drummond
- Willis, Anthony
- Willis, Bruce (American actor, producer & singer)
- Willis, Chris (US singer-songwriter & producer)
- Willis, Christopher (soundtrack and concert composer)
- Willis, Chuck
- Willis, Daphne
- Willis, Doug (UK house producer Dave Lee aka Joey Negro)
- Willis, Elton, Trio
- Willis, Gary
- Willis, Ike
- Willis, Jontavious
- Willis, Kelly
- Willis, Kelly & Robison, Bruce
- Willis, Kelly & Robison, Bruce
- Willis, Matt (Busted)
- Willis, Michelle
- Willis, Morgan (synthwave)
- Willis, Morgan feat. Kel
- Willis, Nicole
- Willis, Nicole & Soul Investigators, The
- Willis, Nicole & The Soul Investigators
- Willis, Rumer
- Willis, Ruth & McTell, Blind Willie
- Willis, Scout LaRue
- Willis, Wesley
- Willis, Wesley & Dragnews, The
- Willis, Wesley & Dragnews, The
- Willis, Wesley, Fiasco, The
- Willits, Christopher (US electronic musician)
- Willix
- Willkuer (Deutschrock)
- Willmon, Trent
- Willmott, Ben (singer, songwriter and musician)
- willms, mark
- Willner, Linn (Willner, Linn)
- Willoughby
- Willoughby, John
- WILLOW (punk rock singer Willow Smith)
- Willow (Daughter of Will & Jada Pinkett Smith)
- Willow (Belgian indierock band)
- Willow (Australian hip‐hop)
- Willow (UK House/electronic artist Sophie Wilson)
- willow (Artist featured on MKULTRA SUPPORT GROUP compilations)
- WILLOW & Batiste, Jon
- WILLOW & Harrison, Jahnavi
- WILLOW & Saint Vincent
- Willow Ash (Vermont)
- Willow Avalon
- Willow Beats (Australian Duo)
- Willow City
- WILLOW Feat. Barker, Travis
- WILLOW Feat. Cherry Glazerr
- WILLOW feat. Jabs
- WILLOW Feat. Tesler-Mabe, Ayla
- WILLOW Feat. Whack, Tierra
- WILLOW feat. Yves Tumor
- Willow Parlo
- Willowater (formerly Sierra)
- Willowbank Grove
- Willowbrook (Performing name of Melody Grace)
- Willowglass
- Willows, The (50s/60s US soul vocal group)
- Willowtree
- Willowz, The
- Willrich, Darrius
- willro
- willro feat. SethDrums
- WillRock (video game arrangement)
- Wills, Ainslie
- Wills, Billy Jack and His Western Swing Band
- Wills, Bob (Texan Western swing musician, songwriter, and bandleader)
- Wills, Bob & Johnson, Sleepy
- Wills, Bob and His Texas Playboys
- Wills, Bobby (Canadian country music singer-songwriter)
- Wills, Mark
- Wills, Sam (Singer/Songwriter)
- Wills, Tommy
- Wills, Viola
- Wills, Ward
- Willson-Piper, Marty
- Willson, Maria
- Willson, Meredith
- Willson, Meredith - Arr. Rieu, André
- Willson, Michelle
- Willwither
- Willy Clay Band (Swedish Country/Americana Band)
- Willy Crook & Funky Torinos
- Willy Fog (Post punk from Germany)