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- WilWil
- WilWil
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- WooWor
- WorWor
- WorWre
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- WriWST
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- WylWZR
- Walsh, Martha
- Walsh, Maureen
- Walsh, Sheila (Contemporary Christian)
- Walsh, Steve (original lead singer of Kansas)
- Walsh, Steve (American producer/composer based in the Czech Reupblic)
- Walsh, TW
- Walston, J Roddy
- Walston, J Roddy and Business, The
- Walt Disco (new-wave band from Glasgow)
- Walt Disney World Band, The
- Walt Mink
- Walt, Dirty and Columbus Sanitation, The
- Waltari
- Walter (Austrian artist; track: „Ich geh nicht ohne Dich“)
- Walter & Scotty
- Walter Benjamin
- Walter de Afogados
- Walter Etc.
- Walter Giardino Temple
- Walter Meego
- Walter Murphy and the Big Apple Band
- Walter Schnitzelsson
- Walter TV
- Walter, Alicia
- Walter, Dick
- Walter, Dominique (French 1960s pop singer)
- Walter, George (Artist who releases independently as well as on All Nighter by artbyFORM)
- Walter, Jürgen
- Walter, Karsten
- Walter, Karsten & Marx, Marina
- Walter, Mano
- Walter, Rasmus (Danish singer and guitarist)
- WalterBrown
- Walters & Kazha
- Walters, Bunny
- Walters, David (French future jazz producer, member of Zimpala, Karum & Ya Basta)
- Walters, Erik
- Walters, Glenn
- Walters, Jamie
- Wálters, Los
- Walters, Matt (Australian musician)
- Walters, Niko
- Walters, Richard (UK vocalist/composer/producer)
- Walters, The (Chicago)
- Walters, Trevor
- Waltham
- Walther Morais
- Walther, Lawrence
- Walton Hoax, The (Electronic)
- Walton, Alex
- Walton, Bo
- Walton, Cedar
- Walton, Jesse
- Walton, Mercy Dee
- Walton, Rosa
- Walton, Will
- Walton, Will feat. Noah
- Walton, William (composer and conductor)
- Waltz for Debbie
- Waltz, Charlotte (American singer-songwriter)
- Waltz, Christoph
- WaluśKraksaKryzys
- Walverdes
- WALWIN (Pop-punk singer, Arthur Walwin)
- Waly, Prince
- Waly, Prince feat. Feu! Chatterton
- Walz, Christian
- Wały Jagiellońskie
- Wamba (Colombian latin pop group)
- Wambo (aka "El Mafiaboy", reggaeton artist from Los Mafia Boyz)
- Wamdue Project
- Wames, James
- Wammack, Travis (American guitarist & singer-songwriter)
- Wampas, Didier
- Wampas, Les
- Wampire (Portland, OR)
- Wan (electronic artist)
- Wan Billz (Bronx drill rapper)
- Wàn Fāng
- wan•abs
- Wana
- Wanastowi vjecy
- WanBi Tuấn Anh
- Wand (Paul Kevin Masterson)
- Wand (US psych-rock band from Los Angeles)
- Wanda (Austrian band)
- Wande Coal
- Wander (Post-rock band from the US)
- Wanderer (hardcore punk band from Minneapolis)
- Wanderers (Adelaide band, formerly Wasted Wanderers)