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- Smith, Laura (Canadian folk singer)
- Smith, Laurel (UK singer-songwriter)
- Smith, Lavay & Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers
- Smith, Linda (singer songwriter active 1986-)
- Smith, Lloyd and His Gut Bucketteers
- Smith, Logan (US gospel singer)
- Smith, Lonnie Liston
- Smith, Lonnie Liston & Cosmic Echoes, The
- Smith, Lonnie, Dr.
- Smith, Lonnie, Dr. feat. Pop, Iggy
- Smith, Louis (US jazz trumpeter)
- Smith, Mamie
- Smith, Mamie and Her Jazz Hounds
- Smith, Mandy
- Smith, Margo
- Smith, Marston
- Smith, Matt (English actor)
- Smith, Matthew
- Smith, Meaghan
- Smith, Meg
- Smith, Mel & Wilde, Kim
- Smith, Michael (Chicago, IL singer/songwriter Michael Peter Smith)
- Smith, Michael W. (Christian pop-rock singer)
- Smith, Michael W. (feat. Campagna, Vanessa Marie & Berry, Madelyn )
- Smith, Michael W. (feat. Gutierrez, Mark)
- Smith, Michael W. (feat. Nowell, Calvin)
- Smith, Michael W. (feat. Reedy, Skye)
- Smith, Michael W. (feat. Seeley, Alex)
- Smith, Michael W. (feat. Winans, CeCe)
- Smith, Michael W. & Grant, Amy
- Smith, Michael W. & Redman, Matt
- Smith, Michael W. & Wells, Tauren
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Gill, Vince
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Grant, Amy
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Jobe, Kari
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Lady A
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Little Big Town
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Mandisa
- Smith, Michael W. feat. McBride, Martina
- Smith, Michael W. feat. McIntosh, Sarah Louise
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Nettles, Jennifer
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Smith, Audrey
- Smith, Michael W. feat. Underwood, Carrie
- Smith, Michael W. with Houghton, Israel
- Smith, Michael W. with special guest McDonald, Michael
- Smith, Michael W. with Zamorano, Coalo
- Smith, Michael W., Houghton, Israel and Nockels, Christy
- Smith, Mindy
- Smith, Montgomery
- Smith, Nate (songwriter)
- Smith, Nate (USA jazz drummer/R&B, soul & funk producer/songwriter)
- Smith, Nate (engineer)
- Smith, Nate (US indie singer/songwriter)
- Smith, Nate (US country singer)
- Smith, Nate ft. Kokayi & Mayo, Michael
- Smith, Nate ft. Ross, Joel & Mayo, Michael
- Smith, Neal (Jazz drummer)
- Smith, Neil (80s UK artist "Help Me Through The Summer")
- Smith, Nell
- Smith, Nick (Producer, songwriter, vocalist, keyboardist)
- Smith, Norman (UK producer/engineer, performed as Hurricane Smith)
- Smith, Norman “Hurricane”
- Smith, O.C.
- Smith, Oliver (UK Trance DJ)
- Smith, Oliver & Holmes, Natalie
- Smith, Oliver feat. Pryce, Amy J
- Smith, Outi
- Smith, Paden
- Smith, Pat (Indie artist from Philadelphia)
- Smith, Patti
- Smith, Patti, Group
- Smith, Paul (of Maxïmo Park)
- Smith, Paul (contemporary Christian artist peformed with The Imperials)
- Smith, Paul (Paul Thatcher Smith, jazz pianist, composer, arranger and bandleader)
- Smith, Paul & Brewis, Peter
- Smith, Paul J. (film and television composer, Disney Legends honoree)
- Smith, Payton
- Smith, Philip (trumpeter, New York Philharmonic)
- Smith, Ray (50s/60s US rockabilly artist, Sun Records)
- Smith, Rett
- Smith, Rex
- Smith, Rex & Sweet, Rachel
- Smith, Richard (English fingerstyle guitarist residing in the US)
- Smith, Richard (Jazz Guitarist)
- Smith, Rick (electronic producer, member of Underworld)
- Smith, Rickey (American Idol)
- Smith, Riley (Victoria, Canada-based artist)
- Smith, Rob (UK DJ/Producer, member Smith & Mighty, More Rockers)
- Smith, Robert (UK guitarist, vocalist and songwriter for The Cure)
- Smith, Roger (US jazz pianist/organist)
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