- HH
- HHab
- HHad
- HadHaf
- HafHai
- Haihaj
- HAKHal
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- HalHal
- HalHal
- HalH
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- HamHam
- HamHan
- HanHan
- HanHAN
- HanHan
- HanHap
- HapHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- harHar
- HarHat
- HatHat
- HatHav
- HavHaw
- HawHAW
- haxHay
- HayHaz
- HazHe
- HeHea
- HeaHEA
- HEAHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHe
- HecHee
- HeeHei
- HeiHel
- HelHel
- HHel
- HelHel
- HelHem
- HemHen
- HenHen
- HenHep
- HepHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHev
- HevHey
- HeyHi
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- HidHie
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- HilHIL
- HilHil
- HilHin
- HinHip
- HipHir
- HisHit
- hitHo
- HHoc
- HocHof
- HofHol
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- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
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- HolHom
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- HonHon
- HonHoo
- HooHop
- HopHor
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- HorHor
- HorHot
- HotHot
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- HouHow
- HowH
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- HuaHud
- HudHug
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- HulHum
- HumHun
- HunHun
- HunHur
- HurHus
- HusHut
- HutHyb
- HybHym
- HymHyp
- HypHZY
- HomeTown (Irish boy band)
- hometown & young
- Hometown Anthem
- Hometown Band, The
- Hometown Boys (Conjunto band led by Roman Martinez, Sr.)
- Hometown Losers
- Hometown News
- Homework (Glasgow Band)
- Homework (House / Tech-House duo)
- Homewrecker (Ohio powerviolence band)
- Homewrecker & Bedwetters, The
- Homeyra (Iranian singer)
- homezone (South Korean singer-songwriter)
- Homicide (Death Metal from Chile)
- Homies (Korean hip-hop trio)
- Homies (Swiss HipHop)
- Homin
- Homixide Gang
- Hommarju
- Homme, Josh
- Homo (Norwegian funk band)
- Homo Futura
- Homo Iratus
- Homo Sapiens (Italian band)
- Homo Twist
- Homogenic
- Homs (french rapper)
- Homs, Emmylou
- Homs, Emmylou & Delva, Anaïs
- HON (aka Mikaela Mohlin)
- Honas
- Hond, Iris
- Honda, DJ
- Honda, DJ feat. Common
- Honda, DJ feat. Jeru the Damaja
- Honda, DJ feat. King Doe‐V & KRS‐One
- Honda, DJ feat. Rawcotiks
- Honda, DJ feat. Redman
- Honda, DJ feat. Yasiin Bey
- Honda, Minako
- Hondas, The
- Hondells, The
- Hondo (Indonesian duo)
- Hondo Maclean
- Hone, Rhys
- Honer, Evan
- Honest Bob and the Factory-to-Dealer Incentives
- Honest Heart Collective, The
- Honest Horse (Singer-songwriter Ryan Murphy)
- Honest Men
- Honestav
- Honestly (alternative-pop band)
- Honestly (2000s US pop-rock band from Atlanta)
- Honestly, Me (US "all-genre" band from Los Angeles)
- HONESTY (electronic group from Leeds)
- Honesty Box
- Honey (Christian/ambient rock band)
- Honey (Honorata Skarbek)
- Honey (crossover/thrash metal band from Philadelphia)
- HONEY (Singer/songwriter Honey Ribar)
- Honey (Indian Playback Singer)
- Honey & the Bees (girl group from Philadelphia)
- Honey and the Sting (Folk band formed at Wesleyan University)
- Honey B McKenna
- Honey B. & T-Bones
- Honey Beard (Canadian Electronic Synth-pop duo)
- Honey Bees, The (US soul/R&B female vocal trio)
- Honey Bones
- Honey Boy (Jamaican reggae singer)
- Honey Buckets
- Honey C (Philippe Toutlemonde & Philippe Van Mullem, trance)
- Honey Claws
- Honey Cocaine
- Honey Cone
- Honey Cone feat. Cash, Sharon
- Honey Cutt (Honey Cutt (US))
- Honey Davis
- Honey Dewdrops, The
- Honey Dijon (house producer)
- Honey Dijon feat. Bowen, Annette & Nikki‐O
- Honey Dijon feat. Caffe, Josh
- Honey Dijon feat. Dj Rimarkable & Dope Earth Alien
- Honey Dijon feat. Dope Earth Alien
- Honey Dijon feat. Hadiya George
- Honey Dijon feat. LATASHÁ
- Honey Dijon feat. Renea, Ramona
- Honey Dijon feat. Vittar, Pabllo & Urias
- Honey Drippers, The (70s US funk band, backing band for Roy C. Hammond)
- Honey Is Cool