- HH
- HHab
- HHad
- HadHaf
- HafHai
- Haihaj
- HAKHal
- HalHal
- HalHal
- HalHal
- HalH
- HHam
- HamHam
- HamHan
- HanHan
- HanHAN
- HanHan
- HanHap
- HapHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- harHar
- HarHat
- HatHat
- HatHav
- HavHaw
- HawHAW
- haxHay
- HayHaz
- HazHe
- HeHea
- HeaHEA
- HEAHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHe
- HecHee
- HeeHei
- HeiHel
- HelHel
- HHel
- HelHel
- HelHem
- HemHen
- HenHen
- HenHep
- HepHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHev
- HevHey
- HeyHi
- HiHic
- HidHie
- HieHig
- HigHig
- HigHil
- HilHIL
- HilHil
- HilHin
- HinHip
- HipHir
- HisHit
- hitHo
- HHoc
- HocHof
- HofHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHom
- HomHom
- HomHon
- HonHon
- HonHoo
- HooHop
- HopHor
- HorHor
- HorHor
- HorHot
- HotHot
- HotHou
- HouHou
- HouHou
- HouHow
- HowH
- HozHua
- HuaHud
- HudHug
- HugHul
- HulHum
- HumHun
- HunHun
- HunHur
- HurHus
- HusHut
- HutHyb
- HybHym
- HymHyp
- HypHZY
- He Was a God
- He Who Dwells
- He’s My Brother She’s My Sister
- Hea, Janne
- Head and the Heart, The
- Head Automatica
- HEAD BALLET (Dream pop duo formed by Kiera Court and Danny Casio)
- Head Cat, The
- Head Control System
- Head Cut
- Head East
- Head for the Hills
- Head Kick
- Head Like a Hole
- Head Like a Kite
- Head Machine (1970 UK band)
- Head of Femur
- Head of the Herd
- Head Over Heels
- Head Smashed
- Head With Wings
- Head Wound City
- Head-Less
- head, all in ur (pop punk duo)
- Head, Anthony Stewart
- Head, Anthony Stewart & George Sarah
- Head, Jowe
- Head, Michael & Red Elastic Band, The
- Head, Michael & Strands, The
- Head, Murray
- Head, Murray & Trinidad Singers, The
- Head, Murray with Trinidad Singers, The
- Head, Roy
- Head, Roy & Traits, The
- Head, Roy & Traits, The
- Head, Sundance
- Head, Tony and Tandy, Sharon
- Head, Yun
- HEADACHE (2020s experimental neo-soul project)
- Headache (UK producer Vegyn side-project)
- Headache24
- Headbanger, The (Dutch hardcore DJ/Producer)
- HeadBone
- HeadCat
- HeadCat (metal band?)
- Headcharger
- Headcoatees, Thee
- Headcoats Sect, Thee
- Headcoats, Thee
- HeadCrash (German crossover band)
- Headcreeps (Ty Begley Solo Project)
- Headfirst (Dutch rockband)
- Headgirl
- Headhunter (German thrash metal band)
- Headhunter D.C.
- Headhunters, The (US jazz‐funk fusion band)
- Headhunterz
- Headhunterz & Crystal Lake
- Headhunterz & Noisecontrollers
- Headhunterz & Sound Rush
- Headhunterz & Sub Zero Project
- Headhunterz & Vertile
- Headhunterz & Wildstylez
- Headhunterz & Wildstylez & Noisecontrollers
- Headhunterz & Wildstylez feat. Noisecontrollers
- Headhunterz & Wildstylez feat. Villain, MC
- Headhunterz & Wildstylez vs Noisecontrollers
- Headhunterz & Wildstylez vs. Noisecontrollers
- Headhunterz & Zatox feat. Nikkita
- Headhunterz feat. Evans, Sian
- Headhunterz feat. Krewella
- Headhunterz feat. Malukah
- Headhunterz feat. Psyko Punkz
- Headhunterz feat. t.A.T.u.
- Headhunterz vs. Abject
- Headhunterz vs. Wildstylez
- Headhunterz, Wildstylez & Noisecontrollers
- Headie One
- Headie One & Drake
- Headie One & Fred again..
- Headie One & Frenna
- Headie One feat. Adz, Young
- Headie One feat. Aitch
- Headie One feat. AJ Tracey & Stormzy
- Headie One feat. Future
- Headie One feat. Haile