- HH
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- HadHaf
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- HanHAN
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- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- harHar
- HarHat
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- HavHaw
- HawHAW
- haxHay
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- HazHe
- HeHea
- HeaHEA
- HEAHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHea
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- HecHee
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- HelHel
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- HenHep
- HepHer
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- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHev
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- HipHir
- HisHit
- hitHo
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- HolHol
- HolHol
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- HooHop
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- HorHor
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- HouHow
- HowH
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- HuaHud
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- HusHut
- HutHyb
- HybHym
- HymHyp
- HypHZY
- Holiday, Billie with Simmons, John, and His Orchestra
- Holiday, Billie with the All-Star Jam Band
- Holiday, Billie with Wilson, Teddy and His Orchestra
- Holiday, Billie With Wilson, Teddy and His Orchestra
- Holiday, Billie with Wilson, Teddy and His Orchestra
- Holiday, Billie, and Her Band
- Holiday, Debby
- Holiday, J.
- Holiday, J. feat. Ross, Rick
- Holiday, Jack
- Holiday, Jack & Candys, Mike
- Holiday, Jenna
- Holiday, Jimmy (American singer, songwriter, producer)
- Holiday, Tony
- Holiday, Vlad
- Holiday87
- Holidaykiss (Artist associated with artbyFORM)
- Holidays on Ice
- Holidays, The (Sydney, Australia indie pop)
- Holier Than Thou?
- Holiness (gothic metal)
- Holistiks (Valencian band)
- Holiwater Band
- Holizna
- Holkar, Sakshi
- Holkenborg, Tom
- Holkenborg, Tom (Dutch DJ/score composer, aka Junkie XL)
- Holki
- Holl & Rush
- Holla Point
- Holladay, Ryan
- Holland (Australian band)
- Holland (Christian rock group)
- Holland (South Korean singer)
- Holland & Holland (Dutch duo?)
- Holland Duo
- Holland–Dozier–Holland
- Holland, Amy
- Holland, Chris (Singer)
- Holland, Dave (British jazz bassist and composer)
- Holland, Dave, Big Band
- Holland, Deborah
- Holland, Eddie (Motown songwriter, lyricist of Holland–Dozier–Holland songwriting team)
- Holland, Jolie
- Holland, Jolie & Parton, Samantha
- Holland, Jools
- Holland, Jools & Emerald, Caro
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra & Rumer
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Brown, Sam
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Burke, Solomon
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Harrison, George
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Hucknall, Mick
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Jessie J
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Robinson, Smokey
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Stone, Joss
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Sugababes
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Suggs
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra feat. Winehouse, Amy & Weller, Paul
- Holland, Jools & His Rhythm & Blues Orchestra with Marshall, Louise
- Holland, Jools & Jessie J
- Holland, Jools & Morrison, James
- Holland, Jools & Stone, Joss
- Holland, Jools & Welch, Florence
- Holland, Jools & Weller, Paul
- Holland, Jools and Jamiroquai
- Holland, Jools feat: Boyd, Moses
- Holland, Jools feat: Cullum, Jamie
- Holland, Jools feat: Lang, Lang
- Holland, Jools feat. Dr. John
- Holland, Jools, Winehouse, Amy & Weller, Paul
- Holland, Nicky
- Holland, Skye
- Holland, Skye feat. Kroeger, Steve
- Holland, Sony
- Holland, Steven (vocalist from Cheshire, UK)
- Holland, Stevie
- Holland, Tim (Latin Christian music)
- Holland, Tim (US experimental hip-hop)
- Holland, Will (Progressive trance DJ)
- Holland, Will feat. Jeza
- Holland, Will feat. Line Froyset
- Holland, William George
- Hollanda, Ana de
- Hollander, Celia (Los Angeles based artist and composer)
- Hollander, Manon
- Hollander, Rick, Quartet
- Hollaphonic
- Hollaphonic feat. Camper, Aaron
- Hollebon, Reuben