- hH
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- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
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- HowHOY
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- Honey & the Bees (girl group from Philadelphia)
- Honey B McKenna
- Honey B. & T-Bones
- Honey Beard (Canadian Electronic Synth-pop duo)
- Honey Bees, The (US soul/R&B female vocal trio)
- Honey Bones
- Honey Boy (Jamaican reggae singer)
- Honey Buckets
- Honey C (Philippe Toutlemonde & Philippe Van Mullem, trance)
- Honey Claws
- Honey Cocaine
- Honey Cone
- Honey Cone feat. Cash, Sharon
- Honey Cutt (Honey Cutt (US))
- Honey Davis
- Honey Dewdrops, The
- Honey Dijon (house producer)
- Honey Dijon feat. Bowen, Annette & Nikki‐O
- Honey Dijon feat. Caffe, Josh
- Honey Dijon feat. Dj Rimarkable & Dope Earth Alien
- Honey Dijon feat. Dope Earth Alien
- Honey Dijon feat. Hadiya George
- Honey Dijon feat. LATASHÁ
- Honey Dijon feat. Renea, Ramona
- Honey Dijon feat. Vittar, Pabllo & Urias
- Honey Drippers, The (70s US funk band, backing band for Roy C. Hammond)
- Honey Is Cool
- Honey L Days
- Honey Ltd.
- Honey Lung
- Honey Maid
- Honey Moon
- Honey Popcorn
- Honey Revenge (2010s, New York)
- Honey Revenge (2020s California pop-rock duo)
- Honey Ryder
- Honey Spider (American punk band)
- Honey the Hippie (rapper)
- Honey Trees, The
- Honey, Francine
- Honeybadger (Greek rock band)
- Honeybeast (hungarian band)
- Honeyblood
- Honeybone
- Honeybrowne
- honeybunches of DEATH
- Honeyburst
- Honeybus
- Honeybutter
- Honeychrome
- Honeycombs, The
- HoneyComeBear
- Honeycrack (British rock band)
- Honeycut
- Honeycutt, Miki
- Honeycutters, The (Americana duo Amanda Anne Platt & Peter James)
- Honeydew, Bunsen, Dr. and Beaker
- Honeydogs, The
- Honeydrippers, The (Soul band led by Roy C. Hammond)
- Honeydrippers, The (Robert Plant supergroup)
- Honeydrips, The
- Honeyfeet
- Honeyglaze (London band)
- honeyhoney (Americana band from Los Angeles)
- Honeymoon Disease
- Honeymoon Killers, The (Belgian 70/80ties experimental rock band)
- Honeymoon Suite (Canadian glam metal band)
- Honeymoon Suite, The (UK pop‐punk band, active circa the mid‐2000s)
- Honeymoon, The
- Honeypot (Caribbean, Aruba)
- Honeyrods, The
- Honeyroot
- Honeys, The (1960s “girl group”)
- Honeysmack
- Honeysuckle
- Honeytree (American Christian musician Nancy Honeytree)
- Honeywagon
- Honeywater
- Honeywaves
- Honeywhip
- HoneyWorks
- Honeyz
- Hong Kong Express (dreampunk/vaporwave artist)
- Hong Kong Syndikat
- Hồng Nhung (singer)
- Hong Truc
- Hong, Dae-kwang
- Hong, Jin Young