- HH
- HHab
- HHad
- HadHaf
- HafHai
- Haihaj
- HAKHal
- HalHal
- HalHal
- HalHal
- HalH
- HHam
- HamHam
- HamHan
- HanHan
- HanHAN
- HanHan
- HanHap
- HapHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- harHar
- HarHat
- HatHat
- HatHav
- HavHaw
- HawHAW
- haxHay
- HayHaz
- HazHe
- HeHea
- HeaHEA
- HEAHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHe
- HecHee
- HeeHei
- HeiHel
- HelHel
- HHel
- HelHel
- HelHem
- HemHen
- HenHen
- HenHep
- HepHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHev
- HevHey
- HeyHi
- HiHic
- HidHie
- HieHig
- HigHig
- HigHil
- HilHIL
- HilHil
- HilHin
- HinHip
- HipHir
- HisHit
- hitHo
- HHoc
- HocHof
- HofHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHom
- HomHom
- HomHon
- HonHon
- HonHoo
- HooHop
- HopHor
- HorHor
- HorHor
- HorHot
- HotHot
- HotHou
- HouHou
- HouHou
- HouHow
- HowH
- HozHua
- HuaHud
- HudHug
- HugHul
- HulHum
- HumHun
- HunHun
- HunHur
- HurHus
- HusHut
- HutHyb
- HybHym
- HymHyp
- HypHZY
- Helleborus
- Hellebronth, Luke & Anna
- Hellebust, Kine
- Hellebust, Kine & Rogg, Anders
- Hellen (dance)
- Heller & Farley
- Heller, André
- Heller, André/Ambros, Wolfgang
- Heller, Harris
- Heller, JJ
- Heller, Lisa
- Heller, Pete
- Heller, Timothy
- Hellfighter
- Hellfire
- Hellfire Choir, The (Charlotte, NC rock 'n' roll)
- Hellfire Deathcult (US Black/Death Metal)
- Hellfire Society
- Hellfish
- Hellfox (Italian all female metal band)
- Hellfreaks, The
- Hellfuck, Bjørn (Norwegian artist)
- Hellfueled
- Hellhammer (Swiss / extreme black metal band)
- HellHeart
- Hellhills
- Hellhound (Indonesian death metal band)
- Hellion
- Hellion (US heavy metal band)
- Hellions (Australian hardcore band)
- Hellions, The (british beat (Tomorrow Never Comes / Daydreaming of You))
- Hellis
- Hellish Oblivion
- Hellish War (Brazilian metal band)
- Hellium (thrash/death metal band from Poland)
- Hellkeeper (Hardcore Black Metal from the Hudson Valley NY.)
- HellLight
- Hellman, Jakob
- Hellman, Thomas
- Hello (British glam rock band)
- Hello August
- Hello Bomb
- Hello Bye Bye
- Hello Citizen
- Hello Control
- Hello Darlins, The (Calgary, AB Americana collective)
- Hello Dave
- Hello Demons... Meet Skeletons
- Hello Dragon (Chris Zerby & Julie Chadwick)
- Hello Echo
- Hello Forever
- Hello Kelly
- Hello Luna
- Hello Marcel
- Hello Mary
- Hello Midlands
- Hello Operator (Canadian band)
- Hello Peril (fictitious rap group from the film Always Be My Maybe)
- Hello Pity
- Hello Psychaleppo
- Hello Saferide
- Hello Sailor
- Hello Seahorse!
- Hello Sleepwalkers
- Hello Stranger
- Hello World (chiptunes)
- Hello Yello
- Hello Yes
- Hello, Happy World! (BanG Dream!)
- Hello=Fire
- HelloDuck
- hellogoodbye
- Helloïse
- Helloween (German power metal band)
- Helloween feat. Night, Candice
- helloworld
- Hellp, The
- Hellraiser (Russian thrash metal band)
- HellRaizer (Rapper from USA)
- Hellriegel, Jan
- Hellsaw (Austrian black metal)
- Hellsingland (Sweden / Black Metal)
- Hellsingland Underground
- Hellsongs
- Hellstrand, Staffan
- Hellström, Christina (Håkan's mother)
- Hellström, Håkan (Swedish pop musician)
- Hellsystem