- FFaa
- FFab
- FabFab
- FabFac
- FacFah
- FahFai
- FaiFak
- FakFal
- FalFal
- FalFal
- FalFam
- FamFan
- FanFan
- FanFar
- FarFar
- FarFar
- FarFar
- FarFas
- FasFat
- FatFat
- FatFat
- FatFau
- FauFay
- FayFea
- FeaFed
- FedFeh
- FeiFel
- FelFel
- FelFem
- FemFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFet
- FetFG
- FGFFic
- FiDFie
- FieFig
- FigFil
- FilFil
- FilFin
- FinFin
- FinFio
- FioFir
- FirFir
- FirFis
- FisFis
- FisFit
- FitFit
- FitFiv
- FivFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFle
- FleFLE
- FleFle
- FleFli
- FliFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlu
- FluFly
- FlyFoa
- FoaFog
- FogFol
- FolFon
- FonFoo
- FooFor
- ForFor
- forFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFou
- FouFou
- FouFox
- FoxFox
- FFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- freFre
- FreFre
- FreFri
- FriFri
- FriFri
- FriFro
- FroFro
- FroFru
- FruFuc
- fucFuj
- FUJFul
- FulFun
- FunFun
- FunFur
- FurFur
- FurFut
- FutFut
- FutFWC
- Fresu, Paolo Quartet
- Fretblanket
- Freternia (Power Metal band from Sweden)
- Fretland
- Fretless (Boston area A Cappella group)
- Fretwell, Chris
- Fretwell, Stephen
- Freud Marx Engels & Jung
- Freud, Clement
- Freud, James
- Freude (indie rock pop from Austria)
- Freudenberg, Ute
- Freudenberg, Ute & Gruppe Elefant
- Freudenberg, Ute & Lais, Christian
- Freudenberg, Ute & Lais, Christian
- Freudiana
- Freund, Tom
- Freunde von Niemand (German Rap group)
- Freundeskreis
- Freundeskreis feat. Déborah
- Freundeskreis feat. Deluxe, Samy
- Freundeskreis feat. Denalane, Joy
- Freundeskreis feat. Lindenberg, Udo
- Freundeskreis feat. Massive Töne, Afrob
- Freundeskreis feat. Steen, Cassandra
- Freundeskreis feat. Wasi
- Freundt, Julie
- Freur
- Frevert, Niels
- Frew, Cara
- Frey (House producer)
- Frey, Albert
- Frey, Albert & Adams-Frey, Andrea
- Frey, Elinor
- Frey, Glenn (US musician/singer/songwriter, member of the Eagles)
- Frey, Glenn (German pop artist)
- Frey, Helmut (German songwriter)
- Frey, Jessi
- Frey, Jimmy (Belgian 1960-90s popular singer)
- Frey, Leonard
- Frey, Petra
- Frey, Petra & Borg, Andy
- Frey, Petra & Fulterer, Andreas
- Frey, Trey
- Freya (USA hardcore punk)
- Freya (Danish singer)
- Freya (Singer/songwriter Tamara Westwood)
- Freya Catherine
- Freya Catherine & Green, Jack
- Freya Skye (British Junior Eurovision singer)
- Freycus (LA prog metal group)
- Freygolo (Occitan ska-punk band)
- Freymuth, Dirk (German-American guitarist, producer, and composer)
- Fri, Skylar
- Friar Alessandro
- Frías, Chema
- Frias, Ica
- Fribytterdrømme
- Fricción
- frick.
- Fricke, Janie
- Frickin’ A
- Fricky
- Fricot, Dominique
- Fricsay, Ferenc (conductor)
- Friction (UK drum & bass producer Ed Keeley)
- Friction & Arlissa
- Friction & Cooper, JP
- Friction, DJ (disco, hip hop, crossover electronic artist Martin Welzer)
- Frida (Swedish singer and member of ABBA)
- Frida (ABBA vocalist Anni-Frid Lyngstad)
- Frida (Appelgren)
- Frida (Also Known As: Anni-Frid Synni Lyngstad)
- Frida (A.K.A. Gimp Music)
- Frida & Fredriksson, Marie
- Frida Gold
- Friday
- FRIDAY (Indonesia Band)
- Friday Hill
- Friday Night
- Friday Night Alchemy (Canadian grunge band)
- Friday Night Boys, The
- Friday Night Plans
- Friday Nights
- Friday Pilots Club
- Friday Prophets, The
- Friday, Debby
- Friday, Debby feat. Del Rabies, Lana
- Friday, Debby feat. Uñas
- Friday, Gavin